Adepticon 2013 Armies on Parade- Wrap Up

By Rob Baer | August 22nd, 2013 | Categories: Adepticon 2013, Armies on Parade

Well all good thing have to come to an end, and this was no exception.  Today we’re wrapping up our Adepticon 2013 coverage with over 100 army features and posts live for the event.

For those of you that don’t know Adepticon is probably the biggest three days in wargaming, and well it’s definitely worth going to.

This year we posted over 15 articles live from the event itself showcasing all the tournaments, contests, demos that were happening on the huge Westin Lombard Hotel campus.

So if you missed the event or even some of our coverage, be sure to check it all out below via your link of preference.

Of course a special thanks to Jeff, Hank, Greg, Bill, Matthias, and all of the Adepticon crew that puts this thing on every year for us, we salute YOU!

Take some time to leave some love for these guys below in the comments. They do a great job, and I’m sure don’t get enough thanks for it. -MBG