Dusk Raiders, Before They Were Death Guard: GMM 40k Army

gmm dusk raider walJoin us as we go back over this sick custom army collection from GMM Studios a few years back- Before they were Death Guard, the Dusk Raiders marched!

Looking back at one of GMM Studios’ past projects, the Dusk Raiders Veterans are painted up in a smokey grey and eye-popping red. Here are all the details on the army from the creator.

Dusk Raiders, Before They Were Death Guard: GMM 40k Army

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gmm dusk raider 9The Dusk Raiders Veterans are covered head-to-toe with detail. From a muted grey to a vibrant red secondary color, this army not only pops. But it also lets the owner use them with any Space Marine rules they want. (Big brain move).

gmm dusk raiders 17Let’s address the giant Reaver in the room first. the incredible paint job on this Titan gives the model depth. Plus, with a hyper-realistic scroll and eagle, it’s safe to say that this bad boy is the centerpiece of the collection.

gmm dusk raider 2It’s a minor detail that’s easy to overlook, but check out the gradient shift of the red paint on the blast shield on the Heresy-aged Land Raider.

gmm dusk raider 3While some armor clears out buildings on the ground, a small air contingent also got finished with this project. A Fire Raptor and two Stormtalons were painted up and came with ultra-detailed bases.

gmm dusk raider 4Taking to the streets, we’ve got multiple squads of Terminators and a couple converted Dreadnoughts. These ground forces were done up with a 50/50 color split of red and grey right down the middle of the model.

gmm dusk raider 5From studded armor plates to fur pelt assets, these Termies look like characters in their own right.

gmm dusk raider 8To help support the heavy mechanized force, there’s also a Techmarine and his band of merry men to patch up whatever gets blasted. Now let’s get into some close-ups on the footsoldiers of the list!

More Boots On The Ground

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gmm dusk raider 10Keeping the theme of Horus Heresy era armor, these characters were painted up in the same split color scheme. They also have some incredible lense-work done. Check out the glare on the vials and helmet lenses.

gmm dusk raider 11What’s worse than a Marine with a bolter? a group of Marines making a shield wall of bolters.

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gmm dusk raider 13A couple of Contemptors were also painted up to add some higher-toughness gun platforms to the list.

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gmm dusk raider 15Finally, we’ve got some assault squads that had a mix of wargear. From combat shields and power axes to chain and power swords, every single model was decked-out in detail.

GMM logoIf this is the first time you’ve seen any work done by GMM Studios, you should go check out some of his more recent projects. GMM has never disappointed and continues to push the hobby to its limits!

What’s your favorite model out of the collection? Do you have your army painted up in red and grey?

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