Iron Runs Through Rob’s Veins: Iron Warriors Collection

Motor PoolRob’s 40k Iron Warriors collection might not have all the new Chaos hype in it just yet, but it’s full of conversions and years of hobby love.

Rob’s got models on top of models. But he holds one army especially close to his heart, his Iron Warrior collection back from 3rd Edition.

Iron Runs Through Rob’s Veins: Personal Iron Warriors Showcase

rob iron warriors new 1Coming from the time of 3rd edition Iron Warriors could bring all sorts of heavy artillery.

They were the first Chaos Marines who could bring Vindicators, which have since been nerfed in 8th edition. They could also bring other forms of long-range firepower that most other factions didn’t have access to.

Hence, siege masters… This was a major game-changer and made Iron Warriors the all-stars of the 3rd edition Chaos Space Marine Codex.

rob squeek the basilisk “Squeak” the Basilisk (left) and “Blinky” (right)

Rocking weathered metal and crisp hazard stripes, you wouldn’t be able to tell the true age on these models. The Vindicator is the Forge World Resin kit before GW even started producing it in plastic. Speaking of the Vindicator, Rob sculpted some eyes and teeth around the barrel.

Chaos MarinesEvery bit of detail is covered in these models. While painting hundreds of hazard stripes might get “long in the tooth”, there weren’t any corners cut in this collection.

rob iron warriors new 4Back before Abaddon got his new model, We had a conversion of him out of an old Chaos Terminator Lord and some bits from the metal Abaddon kit. But the real hobby winner goes to the Chaos Lord with a Necron Destroyer lower-half!

Iron Warriors are more susceptible to the Obliterator virus and it looks like this dude got a weird case of it.

rob chaos defilerMoving onto the Defiler, it’s been converted using the top of a Predator turret and is paying homage to King Kong by nabbing a dirty Imperial Fist!

rob iron warriors new 2Here, we’ve got converted Obliterators from back when the Obliterators were pewter! Plus, you’ve heard us preach that every hobbyist has to start somewhere on their painting journey. This Land Raider was the first thing Rob ever airbrushed- check out those old Forge World Chaos tread upgrades.

Motor PoolRob has a whole motor pool of assorted vehicles as well. These are all basically designed for getting dudes to the walls of Dorn’s fortresses or for hanging back and pummeling things with brutal firepower.

rob chaos termiesChaos Terminators are a hot option in the meta because of the deepstrike ability paired with the weapon options available. Rob magnetized each weapon on these Terminators so they would be future-proofed. Right now, we know that plasma Termies are uncommon in competitive play, but still, a force to be reckoned with.

If you still want a closer look into this army, be sure to check out the full video coverage below:

What faction got you into 40k? Do you still have your first army? What’s been your most ambitious conversion?

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