These Knights were spotted at the 2020 LVO making Anubis proud. Let’s dive into this outstanding paint job on some Imperial Knights!
The 2020 LVO brought players from all across the world to roll some dice under one roof. With the meta healthier than ever, we saw some incredible armies from the event. Now that it’s all over, we can show special attention to some of the most beautiful armies we’ve ever seen. Let’s check out this dope Egyptian-themed Knight force.
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Making Anubis Proud: 2020 LVO Army Showcase
While this army didn’t have a specific display board, the amount of time that’s gone into these models is definitely evident. With a tricked-out Gallant leading the charge with his hound mask and converted chain sword, this was just another high-toughness army that was turning heads.
Not only are these stripes crisp and pop, but they’ve even got some subtle shading to help add some depth to the mini.
Going into an Armiger first, while this is technically the smallest model in the army, that doesn’t mean it’s not packed with any less amount of detail. And every single armor plate and bolt was covered in a smooth finish!
As for the bigger Knights, this paint job along with the conversions make it the perfect Knight army. With the strong Thousand Sons feel, they could play these guys as Traitors. However, with the smooth Loyalist body, it’s a perfect segway into a custom Loyalist Household! Outstanding job!
What’s your favorite loadout to give your Knights? Do your Knights have the same vibrant blue paint scheme?
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