The elves are always willing to march on the human worlds, especially when the humans encroach on elf territories!
Read MoreArmies on Parade
The Eldar are one of those races that have been fighting so long that they really don’t know what peace looks like anymore!
Read MoreIf chaos were ever to join up and work together, it would probably mean the end of all time, as they would easily win!
Read MoreThe Space Marines are waiting for more of their Primarchs to return since chaos has many of theirs coming back from the darkness!
Read MoreThe Space Marines have always had ways to keep on fighting long after they have fallen for the first time on the battlefield!
Read MoreWhen the Space Marines show up, it can be super impressive as they will completely swarm a planet in no time!
Read MoreWhen chaos attacks, there is no telling what will attack you; it could be demons, demonic tanks, or just plain Chaos Space Marines!
Read MoreThe Grey Knights have always fought back the forces of chaos, and that’s why they were created in the first place!
Read MoreThe Eldar have been trying to find ways to stop chaos from spreading for longer than man has existed, and they still haven’t found a way!
Read MoreThe Tau can sometimes be really crafty, but other times, they seem to make decisions that seem silly to others!
Read MoreThe Khorne daemons are some of the most deadly, and they will let you know as they chop you to bits for the Blood God!
Read MoreThe Necrons have developed into a very powerful race from their humble beginnings, and their tomb worlds are opening everywhere!
Read MoreIf you have ever seen Monty Python’s search for the Holy Grail, then you know that there were once many knights who went on a quest!
Read MoreIf you have ever been in charge of stopping a warp-summoning ritual, you know how hard it is to stop those cultists!
Read MoreWhen you join the Imperial Guard, there is a chance that one day you will be fighting in trench warfare on some foreign world!
Read MoreThere are a lot of Space Marine chapters in the universe, but only a few of them have actually drawn the Emperor’s attention!
Read MoreThere are Space Marines, and then there are their evil brothers, the Chaos Space Marines, who really just have a different point of view!
Read MoreThe Space Marines build facilities that would put the greatest architects in our world to shame, and they do it all while under attack!
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