Putting The Fear Into Heretics Since m31 – Armies on Parade

By Bartosz "Battesai" Koc | October 6th, 2015 | Categories: Armies on Parade, Imperial Knights

knight walpaper

Check out this wonderful Imperial Knight army allied to the Khan’s White Scars!

We here at Spikey Bits love originality and what pops about this army is the unison of these bad boys, yet the keeping of individuality!

Artist: Christoffer Burch from Scatter shot Painting

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This army shows a textbook example of what one determined painter can do with a little bit of imagination and some wicked airbrushing skills! This is a proper Knight army!

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About the Author: Bartosz "Battesai" Koc

Happy painter from southern Sweden. Husband, kickboxer, dogowner and hobby fanatic. I thought this would pass with age.