Your World Belongs to the Hive: Armies on Parade

By Joshua Dunkerly | October 10th, 2022 | Categories: Armies on Parade, Tyranids, Warhammer 40k News

Tyranids ArmyThe Tyranids are like an endless flood of gnashing teeth that just want to eat and kill everything in their path!

Here are the latest armies from the community, brought to us by Kyle Fjerstad at Adepticon 2022.

Tyranids Army


Tyranids Army


Tyranids Army


Tyranids Army


Tyranids Army


Tyranids Army


Tyranids Army

“This world is ours now!”

Click on the links below to see the rest of our coverage of AdeptiCon 2022!

There were a lot more armies we took pictures of at the event that were our favorites!  Click on the category link here to see all the army shots of what players brought and their displays from the event

Click Here For the Latest on Adepticon 2023!