3 Homebrew 40k Army Lists That Shocked the Meta This Weekend!

necrons hor walThese three 40k army lists popped up across various tourneys over the weekend and ended up really shocking the meta! Take a look at what these players brought.

Spotted across different tournaments over the weekend, these three Homebrews 40k army lists hit the meta and actually didn’t do too bad! Of course, the advantage of bringing units that everyone else seems to overlooks makes for units your opponent hardly has any practice interacting with.

Using this as leverage, here are some spicy homebrews pulled from the events that you may want to check out.  Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

Pierre-Luc Heroux: Necrons- Courage & Honour Tourney 2

Necron Wal Hor


pierre necronsThis list is the most unique Necron army we’ve seen in a while. Using a whole mix of almost everything at the Necron’s disposal, Pierre opted to dip into the Necron Warriors instead of going all-in on Immortals. The main argument against Warriors is that they have a worse save and can run away in big blobs that take some fire. However, being Ld 10, Pierre just brought the minimum model squads to fight against it. All while being able to take up a decent footprint on the table.

Now getting into the really unique unit options, he brought a squad of ten Deathmarks to help pop enemy characters that might have been trying to hide. An Annihilation Barge supported the Infantry dudes that might’ve got caught in a sticky situation and needed a bit more firepower while two Doomsday Arks were brought for some long-range tank-busting firepower. Lastly, a majority of the points were thrown into a mix of Destroyers and Forge World Acanthrites. That’s something that we’ve also never seen pop up in a competitive Necron List.

Plus with 1CP, his Destroyers could reroll all failed hits and wounds against a target. Making sure he wiped the target clean off the face of the table if needed.  Awesome job!

Brad White: Tau- Giga Bites & Alpha Strike Podcast GT

farsight tau


brad white 1Brad used the Farsight Enclave rules and spammed the literal mess out of some Suits. From Crisis to Bodyguard and Iridium Suits, this list had an overall majority toughness of 5 and some fairly mobile firepower. Starting off, two Commanders with Missile Pods hung back and shot volleys of missiles at whatever was in range. Meanwhile, cheap Troops were brought to fill out a CP battery. However, paying for Shield Drones whenever able, this list accumulated a whole swarm of particularly hard Drones to kill.


brad white 2Moving into the next Detachment, two Enforcers wielding their Cyclic Ion Blasters were brought along. With ATS, these guys can be some especially nasty Primaris killers on the board and we’ve actually broken the unit down in an earlier post.

Moving beyond that, nearly 400 pts were dumped into a blob of Crisis Suits almost all with ATS and Cyclic Ion Blasters! That’s six S8 AP-2 D3 damage shots per model! Again, we’re seeing Shield Drones thrown into every possible entry as well. That way, a cloud of angry frisbees could jump in front of nasty shots and keep the list functioning at max strength.

brad white 3For the last detachment, another Enforcer hit the table with Tau’s version of a Smash Captain- a Coldstar Suit with 4x Fusion Blasters. And for the remaining points, where most players might try to bring Riptides, Brad actually went with an Infiltrating approach bringing two Ghostkeels and some XV25 Stealth Suits. Overall, great job bringing a Tau list completely unique to what 90% of the meta runs these days!

Weston Slaght: Space Wolves- Giga Bites & Alpha Strike Podcast GT

bjorn fell handed space wolves


weston slaght 1Starting off strong in this Space Wolves list, a Spearhead was taken with some Eliminators serving as high-value placeholders for the two Relic Leviathans. That pesky Relic keyword makes players dump points into other units, luckily Eliminators are a prime choice! So on top of 40 S7 shots getting churned out a turn, Weston also brought a Battalion with the Space Wolves Smash Captain leading the charge.

weston slaght 2The Battalion mainly served as a CP battery while 200 pts were thrown into some Wulfen with Thunder Hammers. And finally, a Supreme Command Detachment brought in some of the top picks for Space Wolves…Bjorn, Njal, and a Chappy read with Lascannons. None of these guys were outright targettable and offered some incredible power to the rest of the list. Great job!

With all of these 40k army lists covered, which one is your favorite? Have you dabbled in Forge World Necron units? What’s your favorite character out of the Space Wolves armory? 

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