NEW META? – Eldar Shenanigans 1850

By Rob Baer | April 23rd, 2015 | Categories: Eldar, Warhammer 40k Army Lists


Alarms are sounding and forums are alive with Eldar musings, come see what many have already titled the ‘Wraithspam’ army.

Everything is in flux with the arrival of the new Eldar, but what armies will we see on the table top starting next week?

Heres a first look list that seems both competitive and easy to play – the perfect storm for most players and hobbyists.

Veteran of the Long War ‘Knight 12’ is back with this fresh army list!


Wraithspam 1850

Wind Rider Host

  • Farseer on Bike
  • Warlock on Bike
  • Vyper with 2 Shruiken Cannons (new tech)
  • 3 Units of Three Jetbikes

Five Wraithknights with Ghostglaive and shields (taken as Auxiliary Wraith-construct selections from the Craftworld Warhost).

Wow that seems like a brutally effective and seemingly easy to play list to me!

Don’t fret friends of the Imperium, there is a hard counter list for the Wraithspam, checkout Goatboy’s Xenos Dreamcrusher HERE.

Eldar Army List Roundup

I wonder if while everyone is not looking, the Tau just eclipse everyone…