Revenge of the Daemonkin – More Chaos Tactics

By Rob Baer | May 21st, 2015 | Categories: Daemonkin, Tactics, Warhammer 40k Army Lists

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Wanna make Chaos work? Channel Your Inner Rage with these fresh new Daemonkin lists.

If you missed Part One of Horton’s Wrath of the Daemonkin! you may want to start there for more tactical advice!

So, what makes a winning Daemonkin list? You have to play to the strengths of the army, and those are Blood Points, and ridiculous offense. You need lots of units to raise the blood tithe by either killing or getting killed, and they ALL need to be able to threaten the enemy on turn 2.

Enough talk, Lets make some Lists!

For the sake of simplicity, the lists presented here will be pure Khorne Daemonkin. There are some pretty awesome combos that can be done with Daemonkin/CSM/Daemons, but pure daemonkin is still a solid choice, and may even be better since every unit benefits from Blood for the Blood God.

The Hybrid!

Combined Arms Detachment

Khorne Lord, Bike, Axe of Ruin

10 Khorne Berzerkers, Chain Axes
8 Bloodletters, Champion
8 Bloodletters, Champion

Heavy Support
Land Raider, Extra armor
Soulgrinder, Bombardment
Soulgrinder, Bombardment

12 Hounds
11 Hounds
11 Hounds
3 Bikes, 2 Melta guns, Melta Bombs
3 Bikes, 2 Melta guns, Melta Bombs


Heavy Armor with Hound Support. The Hounds can really make your opponent play the way you want them to, as they will instantly be a threat. This list lets you put the pressure on while your armor advances or lets you castle up around your armored elements.

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The Lords of Slaughter!

Bloodhost Detachment

8 Bloodletters, Champion
8 Bloodletters, Champion
5 Possessed

Bloodhost Detachment

8 Bloodletters, Champion
8 Bloodletters, Champion
5 Possessed

Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage
Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage
8 Bloodletters
8 Bloodletters

2 Bloodhosts means 2 bloodpoints at the start of every turn, and you have 4 Bloodthirsters! You should be able to give your whole army feel no pain for the whole game starting on turn 2, which really helps keep the big guys alive. As the case with every assault army, the worst case match up here is probably an Eldar Jetbike List, as they simply have so many guns, but there are a lot of armies that want nothing to do with 4 Bloodthirsters!

This just scratches the surface of the diversity of lists Daemonkin can make. Regardless of how you build it, Khorne Daemonkin are a blast to play and will be a force to be reckoned with for years to come.