Top 3 Renegade Knights 40k Army Lists Right Now

space marine wal hor tourneyKnights are those massive mechanical walkers we all love. But how did they do at the LVO? Check out these top 40k army lists for Renegade Knights!

2020’s LVO brought in nearly one-thousand different players to roll dice. Now, we’ll be looking specifically at some all-Knight lists. Keep in mind that even if someone places in the top 300-400, they’re still doing better than over half of the players overall.

Top 3 Renegade Knights 40k Army Lists Right Now

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Before we jump in: It’s important to note that Chaos and Imperium have access to Knights. Depending on the faction, they also allow for different weapon combos and slightly different rules. With that said, the Renegade Knights took the cake for top three lists as the top Imperial Knight lists came in 352nd place.

246th Place: Wyatt Harris- Renegade Knights

Knight Heretic chaos wal hor


wyatt harris renegade knightsStarting off with this Knight list, two Super Heavy Detachments were taken. The first detachment was loaded down with two Despoilers rocking two Avenger Gatling Cannons a piece. In a Primaris-heavy meta, these dudes were able to dump 48 2-damage shots onto the board. With two gun platforms dedicated to eradicating infantry and elites, the third Despoiler came loaded with two Thermal Cannons to help pop armor that got close enough. Usually, one Thermal Cannon isn’t really worth it on an Imperial Knight due to its random shot output. However, getting 2D6 shots of the same kind of weapon really swings things in your favor.

Finally, the other Super Heavy Detachment rocked the chaos-Equivalent to the Preceptor Knight. The mandatory Laser Destructor helped back up the damage output from the two Thermal Cannons while his Taskmaster rule let the two autocannon Wardogs reroll hits of 1. Sweet list!

134th Place: Adam Baker- Renegade Knights

chaos knight wal 2


adam baker renegade knightsThis list is vastly different from the one above. We’ll be jumping around between detachments but essentially, three Despoilers were brought with two Thermal Cannons on them each. This meant pretty much certain doom for a vehicle that got close enough to at least two Knights. A Cerastus Castigator was also brought, however, and had the almost-equivalent to an Avenger Gatling Cannon on one arm and a 3-damage sword on the other.

The good thing about the sword is that it can make two hit rolls for the weapon instead of just one. That made it extremely versatile in taking out Primaris elites as well as bigger vehicles. Finally, two Lightning Lock Wardogs hit the board which came with s6 exploding guns that are perfect for clearing out screens. Awesome job!

32nd Place: Zach Thacker- Renegade Knights

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zach thacker renegade knightsComing in 32nd place with a highly elite army like Knights is impressive. Let’s dig into what Zach brought to finish so high up on the leaderboards. Like the list from above, he covered the anti-armor needs of the list immediately loading three Knights down with Thermal Cannons. Which makes a lot of sense honestly. They could unload a hailstorm of melta shots at big tanky stuff and then squash Primaris and other light infantry under their feet with stompy attacks.

Now, where most lists brought a fourth big Knight, instead, Zach used the rest of the points to really double-down on Wardogs. Each one was given a set of Lightning locks, which are a screen’s bane. At s6, he was wounding most small Infantry on 2’s and with the -2 AP, they hardly ever got a save. The fact that the shots explode into to hits on a 6 is just icing on the cake. The fact that they also have a 36″ range meant that he could keep them back on a couple of objectives as well so the bigger Knights could close in the gap on high-threat targets and hose it down in melta shots. Great job finishing so strong.

Overall, it’s definitely interesting to see that Renegade Knight lists finished so much higher on the leaderboards over the Loyalist counterparts. Especially after we’ve just moved beyond a meta where all we saw was Imperial Knights dominating the tables.

What are your thoughts on these lists? Are Moiraxes with Lightning Locks secretly the best Armiger type? Is the fact that Chaos Knights can double up on the same weapon what makes them so much better than Imperial Knights? 

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