Army Painter Wet Palette Coming Soon To Stores!

Army Painter wet palette

The Army Painter has some hobby hotness hitting store shelves in just a few months. Check out their new wet palette system!

If you’ve been in the hobby for a minute, you’ve probably heard of The Army Painter. These guys have all sorts of incredibly useful painting bundles, hobby supplies and more. And next, they’ll be adding a wet palette to their arsenal of tools.

The Army Painter Wet Palette: $24.99 (Pre-Order For DEC)

The wet palette not only comes with everything you need to crack it open and get to work. But it also comes with 50 spare sheets. You can get hundreds of hobby hours on this box set. The best part is, you’ll know none of your paints are going to waste.

So what’s so good about a wet palette?

wet palette 3

If this is your first time hearing about something called a wet palette, they’re essentially designed to keep your paints from drying. If you use any kind of dry palette while you paint, you’ll know about 30-50% gets wasted as it dries and clings to the surface. However, wet palettes keep the paint sitting on a porous/wet surface that keeps them from drying.

The Army Painter’s wet palette is going to be completely mobile and easy to fit in your hobby go-bag.   What’s even cooler about this wet palette is that it’s also coming with a place to store your brushes! If space is extremely limited, you can pack everything but the paint all into one thin case!

What are your thoughts on wet palettes? Do you use one while you paint? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!

About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd headshot

Wesley Floyd

Job Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018

Socials: @RealmbrushPainting

About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.