Buried in the Sand! GMM Painted 40k Thousand Sons

gmm thousand sons walThis showcase was buried in the sand! Get it? Check out this sweet Thousand Sons army GMM Studios completed a while back!

GMM Studios is known for incredible painting commissions and their overall capability to deliver what’s wanted in an army. Check out this older project of Thousand Sons that GMM completed years ago.

Buried in the Sand! GMM Painted 40k Thousand Sons

gmm thousand sons 1These Space Egyptians are rolling out of a Prospero display board with Ahriman at the lead. With the obvious Land Raider as the centerpiece for the force, check out everything that makes up this army.

gmm thousand sons 2This Thousand Sons army has the usual desert/Egyptian theme but with a few twists. There are several conversions for the non-marked units I was always really proud of.

First up is good old Ahriman himself! He is fairly stock other than a jump pack so he could be used as a flying Prince rather than the actual special character. The bird bits were added to give a bit of 360-degree balance to the look of the model. gmm thousand sons 3Second, a winged sorcerer. A chaplain model was used as a base, then many bits were added.

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gmm thousand sons 5The Thousand Sons units are heavily bit swapped to give a more active look. Opinions can go either way since, fluff wise, they are more of a relentlessly marching ghost army rather than live marines, but I always prefer to put some character and action into all the models I do.

Terminator Conversion Work

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The Ushabti were perfect Terminators with one small conversion – an added monocle to count as a combi-melta. They fit perfect on the 40mm Terminator bases and make a good counts-as.
gmm thousand sons 9The Land Raider transport for the Ushabti Terminators I wanted to be a visual center to the army, and I added the casket to the top to make it sort of a “source of power” for the army. Instead of antennae technology, Chaos of course just uses beacons of Tzeentch power.

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gmm thousand sons 11The Rhinos are fairly standard, but the added sand and scorpions make them stand out. I went for a “just out of the sand” look, playing on the desert theme of the army.

GMM logoThis is an older project done by GMM and you better believe his works of art have only gotten more intricate. Be sure to check out more of his finished commissions if you haven’t already.

What’s your favorite model out of the army? Is a Land Raider the centerpiece in your collection too?

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