Catachans & Castellans: LVO Army Showcase

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Two of the Imperium’s finest weapons of war were spotted at the LVO paired up! Catachans and a Castellan marched down the field with pride.

The Las Vegas open has players come from all around the world under one roof to roll some dice. With so many hobbyists from across the globe in one area, we saw some pretty amazing lists. Check this one out!

LVO 2019

We move fast taking pictures when we’re guests at tournaments helping to cover the event for them. If this is your army and you would like the full-size images or credit added to the article, just email us:

Catachans & Castellans: LVO Army Showcase

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Catachans were spotted backing up a murdered-out Castellan at the 2019 LVO. Looking at this army, the only thing scarier than a massive walker with a volcano cannon/turbo plasma is wave after wave of jungle-fighting Imperial muscle!

While the display might be on the simpler side, there’s plenty of detail captured in each one of these models.

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The Catachans took strength in numbers to a whole new level. Bringing platoon after platoon of fighters ready to arm wrestle the enemy into submission, they made sure their biceps were showing.

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Using high IQ hobby tactics, this hobbyist painted their bandanas separately to differentiate between squads.

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If you can take your attention away to the coolest Catachan around wearing some hater blockers, Bullgryn were spotted in the back as the extra “motivation” to break the enemy’s will.

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And finally, some light armor was taken in the form of a few Sentinels to act as a speed bump for the enemy. Plus, if these guys weren’t locked in combat, they made great objective nabbers.

All in all, awesome job bringing enough models to topple the strongest of enemies! If you haven’t faced a Catachan list, you’d be surprised at how much damage twenty S4 dudes can do when they dogpile you.

What do you think about this list? Who is the MVP- the Castellan or the Catachans? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!