Dark Angels Ravenwing – Showcase

By Awaken Realms | September 16th, 2014 | Categories: Armies on Parade, Army Showcase, Awaken Realms, Dark Angels

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Hey There!

This is a Raven Wings/Dark Angels Army painted by Awaken Realms. Some units are painted in standard other in high quality. What do you think about it? 🙂

Ravenwing Bikers | Standrad
Black Knights | Standrad
Ravenwing Command Squad | High
Attack bike | Standrad
Land Speeder | Standrad
Landspeeder Vengeance | High
Darkshroud | High
Dark Talon | High
Nephelin Jetfighter | High

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Raven Wings – Dark Angels Army – AR Gallery.
Watch more in Awaken Realms Gallery!
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