GMM Studios’ Tau Invasion: Blue Summer

By GMM Studios | September 26th, 2016 | Categories: Army Showcase, GMM, Tau, Warhammer 40k News
GMM’s Blue Summer comes in big, this time with all the battlesuits for the Tau Empire. Targeting sequences and weapons align to destroy all opposition!

The sequel to last summer’s big hit – Tau Invasion is here, with more suits, more big toys and a brand new setting.  Action, drama, communism – a film for the whole family.  Can the Tau cleanse a rundown shipyard of human corruption and crime?  They’re the protagonists so you know they will.  Ebert posthumously states “a groundbreaking new standard in cheesy action. Samurai Cop is no longer my favorite movie.” Thanks.
Anyway.  Round two of a set of Tau I did last summer in blue and grey. The last set was the essentials, so this one is all of the new releases and some more really big kits.  All really nice models that painted up well, especially the big guy.  A new custom Farsight made up of a few kits, and scratch built basing.  I have fun painting anything, but the square panels of Tau are always extra enjoyable and get along well with my style of hand shading and highlighting.
The backdrop is a new addition to my now overflowing photo room.  A shipyard is something I have wanted to do for a long time, and earlier this summer got with Alex of Ironheart who laser cut my designs for the big buildings.  The entire thing is about 6×4′ and wood framed for wall mounting.  The big buildings are sunk into the concrete pad and roofs removable.  Will be doing a set on the making of it as well.
Up next, a Warlord covered in freehand!  “Blue summer” is over but work is always in a state of just getting started.  See you again soon.