In The Navy! Battlefleet Gothic Fleet SHOWCASE

By Gothmog | October 25th, 2015 | Categories: Army Showcase, BFG

Coronid Deeps Patrol

So you love awesome space ships? Is Star Trek too timid for you? Is Star Wars not Grimdark enough?  If you said yes to these questions, then you must be a Battlefleet Gothic Fan(atic)!

Check out these awesome vessels of the Imperial Navy! Anytime someone busts out Specialist Games, you know they are all about Bringing Hobby Back!

If you are not one to walk the beaten tactical path, then come check out more articles like on Sepulchre of Heroes, home of the 9th Legion. You can also find there plenty of other thoughts and discussions on the hobby and Warhammer 40k, particularly Blood Angels. We feature ample hobby content in painting and kitbashing and cover several GW specialist games such as Battlefleet Gothic (LIKE ABOVE!!!) and Blood Bowl. Working daily to Bring the Hobby Back, so check us out!

Sepulchre of Heroes