ACHTUNG: 8th Edition Painted Primaris Marines

By Guest Author | July 21st, 2017 | Categories: Army Showcase, Primaris, Warhammer 40k News


Our friends over at Hero Hammer Studios were kind enough to paint up some of the amazing new Primaris marines in that famous blue livery of the Ultramarines!

Welcome back 40K fanatics! Today Rob is showing us an awesome paint job on some of the new Primaris Marines from our friends over at Hero Hammer Studios!

parker hero hammer

Hero Hammer Studios is one of the hot new up and coming commission studios on the Warhammer scene:

IntercessorThis Primaris Intercessor marine is loaded and ready to purge some Xenos in this quick and awesome paint job!

Everyone loves to look at the killer Inceptor Assault Marines!  This Inceptor Sergeant is rocking some awesome caution stripe painted Assualt Bolters!


Press play on the video below for a closer look at all these amazing painted models!