Ride of the Worm King – Adepticon 2014 Army

Hey everyone! This is it!  If you have been following along, it has been a long month and a half but both armies are done.

It only took me an entire day to photo and upload both of them too.  If you would like more images (100 total) feel free to check them out on my Facebook or blog.

For those that are seeing this for the first time, here is some background:

Every year I do a large scale project for Adepticon, a convention in early April in Chicago IL.  This year I did two!  This is the Fantasy display.

The display is based on a large. real wooden throne.  I bought the throne and skeleton from a local “antique” store.  It is about 6.5 feet tall from floor to dragon wings.

The theme of the army is a nightmare fairy tale.  Something a child in the Warhammer world might dream is coming to his town to attack.  The Worm King is a legend of a twisted king who would attack with his dragons and “knights” in the middle of the night and take children away in sacks and on their carts to be eaten for dinner by his pet dragons.  Luckily for the children of Bretonnia, it is simply a tale told by parents when their kids are mean. Or is it?

With that, enjoy!  If you are going to Adepticon, please do not hesitate to stop and say hello.