The Swords of Vaal: Aeldari LVO 2020 Army Showcase

Swords of vaal walHope you like Flyers because this list rolled everything out of the armory. Check out this Aeldari army from the 2020 LVO- The Swords of Vaal!

The 2020 LVO brought players from all across the world to roll some dice under one roof. With the meta healthier than ever, we saw some incredible armies from the event. Now that it’s all over, we can show special attention to some of the most beautiful armies we’ve ever seen. Let’s step into the Aeldari’s court and check out what this player brought.

lvo las vegas open 2020Las Vegas Open 2020

The Swords of Vaal: Aeldari LVO 2020 Army Showcase

This army comes to us from Seth Freudenburg

Swords of vaal 1Like we said, hope you like Flyers. This list brought in just the bare minimum of dudes on-foot for the CP. All of the other points were dumped into Wave Serpent chassis and a whole squadron of Jets.

Swords of vaal 3Before we jump into the meat of the army, it’s important to note the particular amount of detail shown on each Avenger. They’ve all got a free-handed Aeldari symbol on their head which is something most other hobbyists aren’t brave enough to do. Great job there.

Swords of vaal 4Forge World Nightwings rolled out maxing their number in a darker paint job and red trim. On the other hand…

Swords of vaal 5The classic Crimson Hunter Exarchs also zipped onto the table with some sweet display-matching bases and an awesome cockpit glass effect. Every single Nook and Cranny was also hit with a dark pin wash to draw out the detail.

Swords of vaal 6This list hit hard and was able to slip out of combat almost indefinitely while looking great!

What’s your favorite Aeldari unit to use in your games? Do you use another strat aside from the Flyer spam? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!