Artel “W” Miniatures Iron Boss is the Perfect Ork Baddie!

artel w iron boss waaagh orks Ghazghkull Mag Uruk ThrakaWant to spice up your Orks but don’t fancy the new Ghazghkull model? Check out this awesome alternative from Artel “W” Miniatures.

Artel “W” Miniatures has an incredible Ork model that might be a perfect alternate model for the new Ghazghkull. He’s been out for a while. However, he’s been one of the more popular Ork centerpieces we’ve seen among events we go to.

If you’ve never taken a look at the Iron boss, we’ve got everything you need to know about him for you today!

Artel “W” Miniatures Iron Boss $41.99

iron bossLet’s take a look at the pieces included and the size of this miniature compared to other similar models on the hobby market. The alternate options for the Iron Bosss will also give you a few extra unique bits leftover to convert something else further down the line.

artel iron boss 2It’s important to note that Artel “W” uses resin for their minis and they’re all separated bits in bags. There’s no clipping stuff off of a single sprue.

Once you lay everything out, you can see that there are quite a few bits to keep track of. However, it’s not overly complicated and the joints where you glue the bits are VERY secure with triangulated ports.

Overall, the model is sturdy and once he’s on a fat 60mm base, he’ll be able to stick out of a crowd of Boyz like a sore green thumb.


artel iron bossDepending on what you want, you can throw on a boss pole, a little goblin gunner, and you have a choice between a giant axe or hammer.

iron boss vs ghazghkullNow we know we said that he’s an awesome Ghaz alternate mini. But if you also take the 1CP-Give a Warboss an extra wound and attack route, this is another dope model to go with.

Be sure to check out the full video review if you want to get an even closer look.

Get Your Iron Boss Today!

Miniatures provided by Artel W for promotion and review.