When Squats Need Bigger Guns: Atomic Empire Squat Showcase

atomic empire squat wal

Squats are sick and tired of being an irrelevant faction. Spotted at the Atomic Empire tournament, these little dudes brought the big guns.

Atomic Empire was a pre-qualifier event for a later tournament called Warzone Atlanta. With so many people competing for a spot in the next tournament, we saw some amazing lists. Here is an incredible Squat army conversion.

We move fast taking pictures at events. If this is your army and would like credit for it email us at

When Squats Need Bigger Guns: Atomic Empire Squad Showcase

atomic empire squat 1Squats were seen taking to the frontlines out of their underground fortress at the tables of the Atomic Empire. Although these are actually just Guardsmen, it’s an incredible army that was turning heads.

atomic empire squat 2The Castellan donned the runes and markings of the Squats and marched to the field with a chainlink beard. With one of the coolest conversions we’ve seen done on a Castellan, this model is definitely the centerpiece.

atomic empire squat 3Each little detail on these models was captured. Right down to the green targeting visor on their helmets.

atomic empire squat 4Looking at a single Chimera in the list, its main turret had some immense detail in it alone. With a 360-degree dome view, each glass panel had a glaring effect.

atomic empire squat 5The Chimeras weren’t even spared for conversion detail with each one carrying classic Squad iconography into battle. These Sentinels might be meant for scouting ahead but stealth was never an option with a paint job like that!

atomic empire squat 6


atomic empire squat 7And finally, a band of characters led the force. With what looks to be a Psyker and maybe Yarrick with a powerfist, these were some sweet conversions compared to the usual Guard army you might run into at a tournament. Great job.

What do you think about this army and its display? Have you played against a Squat army before?

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