A Patriarch You Don’t Want To Mess With: GSC ATC Army Showcase

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Check out what the Genestealer Cults brought out to play at the 2019 ATC. There’s a certain Patriarch that nobody wants to mess with.

The ATCs brought players in from all across the country to roll dice under one roof. With over four hundred armies on the tabletops, we were bound to see some amazing collections like this!

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A Patriarch You Don’t Want To Mess With: GSC ATC Army Showcase

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Coming from Dean Prichard, these Xenos crawled out of the pipework of an Imperial Manufactorum with a character you would never want to see in the form of a Genestealer.

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Papa Guilliman had a run-in with a Genestealer that changed his life for good. With a new pair of arms and a retinue of followers, he’s the baddest Patriarch around.

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Of course, in every Genestealer Cult list, you need to have a master planner making sure everyone is doing their job. The Kelermorph hung back and let everyone else do the heavy lifting.

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What’s a Genestealer Cult uprising without any of the industrial tools anyway? Rock saws, rock saws, and more rock saws were used by Acolytes to mulch Knight ankles and topple them. It’s like a redneck-grimdark version of Cow-tipping.

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Neophytes were used to nab objectives and protect those hulking green Abberants in the back. In an army filled with T3 models and 5+ saves, there was some serious love and detail put into these guys. The paint job is great but the icing on the cake is the matching bases that fit the terrain board almost seamlessly. Great job hobbying!

What does your GSC list look like? Have you converted your own Patriarch? What’s your favorite stratagem out of the codex? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!