Space Wolves Army Lists Are Still Good in 40k!

space wolves walpaper wulfen horThis Space Wolves list took its opponents by surprise with some of the new Space Marine units. Check out why the Vlka Fenryka are still good in 40k!

Back in July the ATCs brought in players all across the Country to roll dice. With so many players under one roof, we were bound to see some anti-meta lists pop up. Looking at this Space Wolves army, it handled the opposition better than expected!

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the list details even after the event has ended.

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Space Wolves List Wins Four Out of Five Games at the ATC

This list, along with another Space Wolves one that featured a super heavy Falchion, is still a great basis for a Space Marines army. Especially with the addition of the new Shock Assault rule that gives extra attacks as well!


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Space Wolves List Wins Four of Five Games at ATC

Space Wolves List Wins Four of Five Games at ATCComing from Andrew Mullins, he managed to secure 38th place at the event only losing one of his games. This army had Bjorn and a Runepriest lead four squads of Primaris units (Infiltrators and Intercessors). The Infiltrators could start the game on objectives sitting outside of the deployment while the Intercessors could hang back and sit on the ones with the rest of his force.

Meanwhile, Long Fangs with Lascannons hunted enemy armor as best they could, knocking off as many wounds as possible until reinforcements arrived.

Where the real one-two punch combo of this list lies is the Suppressor squads supporting the Wulfen. Suppressors could come in, pop some shots at an enemy unit and completely disable the overwatch. That’s when the Wulfen would waltz in completely unscathed from flamers and stupid amounts of rerolled shots.

These Wulfen were loaded down with Thunder Hammers and a few Frost Claws to make short work against things like Knights and Leviathans. The only real weakness we saw against this list is that there was a pretty good lack of screen-clearing and anti-Flyer units. The Wulfen were forced to run the ground-game all match long and could only beat up what they could reach.

However, this list definitely proved its strength by only losing one of its matchups! It’s not too often we see an all-Space Wolves list perform so well. Especially when they use units like the Suppressors which aren’t considered “meta”. Have you tried running a list like this? Do you prefer Death Company to Wulfen for their FLY capability?

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