Seiously who wants free stuff? I’ve never had a harder time giving something away, especially something this cool lol. Since the last two winners never contacted me I have selected a new, new winner for the Spikey Bits monthly give-away! Spikey Bits August 2010 Give-Away Finalists Moros Josh (just josh) Brother Vizlani sam hillman FoxPhoenix135 […]
Read MoreRob Baer
Rob Baer
Job Title: Managing Editor
Founded Spikey Bits in 2009
Socials: Rob Baer on Facebook and @catdaddymbg on X
About Rob Baer: Founder, Publisher, & Managing Editor of Spikey Bits, the leading tabletop gaming news website focused on the hobby side of wargaming and miniatures.
Rob also co-founded and is a panelist on the weekly Long War Podcast, which has over 350 episodes and focuses on tabletop miniatures gaming, specializing in Warhammer 40k, and spent six years writing for Bell of Lost Souls.
Every year, he and his co-hosts help host the Long War 40k Doubles Tournament at Adepticon and the Long War 40k Doubles at the Las Vegas Open, both of which attract thousands of players from around the world.
Rob has won many Warhammer 40k Tournaments over the years, including multiple first-place finishes in Warhammer 40k Grand Tournaments and even winning 1st place at the 2011 Adepticon 40k Team Tournament. He was even featured for his painting in issue #304 of Games Workshop’s White Dwarf Magazine.
With over 30 years of experience in retail and distribution, Rob knows all the products and exactly which ones are the best. As a member of GAMA (Game Manufacturers Association), he advocates for gaming stores and manufacturers in these difficult times. He is always looking for the next big thing to feature for the miniatures hobby, helping everyone provide the value consumers want.
While he’s played every edition of Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy (since 5th Edition) and has been hobbying on miniatures since the 1980s, Titans of all sizes will always be his favorite! It’s even rumored that his hobby vault rivals the Solemnance Galleries, containing rulebooks filled with lore from editions long past, ancient packs of black-bordered Magic Cards, and models made of both pewter and resin.
Stop by Spikey Bits’ very own game shop, FTW Games, on September 18th and get your paint on! Bring any number of 40k or Fantasy Models, assembled and primed, to the shop at noon. Then paint up as many models as you can in 12 hours, from noon to midnight! We’ll be giving out awards […]
Read MoreRecently I needed a space themed demo table for the Firestorm Armada game (PS- its really fun you should try it). At first I was a little perplexed on what to do to make it. There was the traditional toothbrush paint flick method, but the problem with that is it’s messy. I have to mop […]
Read MoreCheck out these “evolved” Bloodcrushers models from Isotope99. The speed at which this guy cranks stuff out is amazing (I may be secretly jealous). Plus his stuff is always very well done. Kudos to Isotope99! Here’s an except from his post over on Bell of Lost Souls: “I’ve combined the new bloodcrusher kit with leftovers […]
Read MoreSeiously who wants free stuff? I’ve never had a harder time giving something away, especially something this cool lol. Since the last two winners never contacted me I have selected a new, new winner for the Spikey Bits monthly give-away! Spikey Bits August 2010 Give-Away Finalists Moros Josh (just josh) Brother Vizlani sam hillman FoxPhoenix135 […]
Read MoreRecently I had this awesome Bjorn the Fell Handed conversion sent to me by Joe Carlson. What I like about it is that it’s deceptively simple, yet has depth to it. At first glance you don’t see any green stuff or card, but it still has a lot of detail that makes this model very […]
Read MoreI put the finishing touches on my Stormraven Gunship over the weekend, by adding some landing gear and tightening up a few details that were bugging me. When I started this project I was hoping I could make the gear long enough to touch the ground, while allowing some room for the wingtip thrusters to […]
Read MoreHere are some pics of a Apocalypse Mega Tank Battle we did a few weeks ago at FTW Games. Representing the Orks/ Chaos was several Stompas and a Great Gargant (painted even!). On the Imperial side was a ton of Baneblades, and Leman Russes. Eeep! Well it didn’t end so good for the bad guys, […]
Read MoreWell if you ever wanted an excuse to visit the home of Spikey Bits, FTW Games in Richmond Va, and play Fantasy- this may be your chance! We will be hosting the 2010 Fantasy ‘Ard Boyz Semi Finals! Registration will start at 9am followed by first dice at 10am. You can call 804-464-1873 to register, […]
Read MoreHere are some more Marauder conversions I whipped up for my Warriors of Chaos army. I wanted to field some great weapon models so I could handle high iniative enemies a little better (ELVES)! All I did for the great weapons was attach the axe heads from the Marauder hand weapons to the flail hilt […]
Read MoreWell I didn’t hear from Moros so, I selected have a new winner for the Spikey Bits monthly give-away! Spikey Bits August 2010 Give-Away Finalists Moros Josh (just josh) Brother Vizlani sam hillman FoxPhoenix135 IDICBeer ctreleheb Ferran Septic m1nd1ess Chapel Beardicus And the winner is, Moros, Septic! So Septic has a week to email me […]
Read MoreThis is the official Gallery page for Spikey Bits. Below are the links to the galleries I have made so far. Spikey Bits Conversion GallerySpikey Bits Painted Figure Gallery Enjoy- MBG
Read MoreI’m still on the fence about what I’ll be running at Mechanicon this year. So I tried out a Dred Mob army list today out against my Mech Imperial Guard, and it did quite well. Here is what I ran; Big Mek with Kustom Force Field Ghazghkull Thraka 8x Lootas 8x Lootas 19 Grots w/ […]
Read MoreThat’s right! We’ll be launching the brand spanking new Spikey Bits online store very shortly. This way you can pick up all the great gaming items you normally want, and support the blog! We’ll also have some cool “Spikey Bits” brand merchandise as well as awesome new stuff you may have never even heard of! […]
Read MoreOkay so were back with part two of my Thunderwolf Cavalry of Khorne conversion. So now I had a great foundation to work from, and just need to add some arms and a head. I knew I wanted the model to be dynamic- either holding his weapon over his head, or swinging it to attack. […]
Read MoreFor your viewing enjoyment here is a gallery of the conversions I’ve done for the blog. I’ll be updating the gallery regularly with new work, as well as old work, when I photograph it. If you have any questions about a particular fig please email me and I will be glad to help you as […]
Read MoreHey guys hope everyone had a good weekend. I myself was quite the busy beaver, and managed to put the finishing touches on my Thunderwolf Calvary of Khorne conversion. I can’t wait to hit the table with it. Here is how I went about making it. When I began the project I started from the […]
Read MoreWe’re back with the Spikey Bits Monthly Give-Away for September, and this time it’s an Island of Blood! Here’s how it works; on September 29th I will select a follower of Spikey Bits at random to win an Island of Blood box set. Obviously friends and family of myself are excluded from winning, so don’t […]
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