Is it possible to have too many Orks or are there never enough? I recently painted another twenty shoota-boyz for my Ork army. This takes the model count for the army well past two-hundred and I still have more to do. So now I’m wondering if it’s possible to have too many models for an […]
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I recently painted a full twelve model mob of Ork Warbikes for my already massive Ork army. Ork Bike Mobs add lots of speed and firepower to da boyz. Waaagh!The first time I painted Orks for 40K was back when they were labeled “Space Orks” on some of their packaging, but I hadn’t touched Orks […]
Read MoreI was at every US Games Day held in Maryland starting with the first US Games Day ever back in 1993. So I can tell you that Games Day events of the past few years are quite a different thing than they were several years ago. A recent article on Pins Of War stirred old […]
Read MoreThe plastic Vindicator is a fun model to work on and to field in games of Warhammer 40,000. I had more than a little painting and converting fun with three of them for my Chaos Space Marines.Painting tank squadrons so that they appear to belong together is a great way to make them look like […]
Read MoreMonsters are one of the most fun aspects of fantasy and science fantasy games like Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000. Painting them is also fun as you can let your imagination run wild. Working with monsters is often unlike painting models of bipedal troopers like humans, elves, dwarves, Space Marines, Eldar, etc. because monsters usually have […]
Read MoreMany Warhammer 40,000 hobbyists are excited about the new Codex Space Marines and related models so this week I thought I’d provide some tips for painting the Space Marine Stormtalon.The Stormtalon is a handy little flyer that can also hover and dish out quite a bit of firepower for its size. Painting it can be […]
Read MoreA friend of mine did this little Tau Riptide diorama recently while we were painting models together at our local Games Workshop Bowie store and I thought Spikey Bits readers would really enjoy seeing it.It’s not part of an army collection, but rather a singular little hobby diversion for the fun of painting something different. […]
Read MoreBig Mek Stompas require a bit of converting to the standard Stompa kit. They make for a fun hobby project that when finished will provide an Ork army with a massive amount of dakka. In a recent article I showed how I converted a Big Mek Stompa, this article will focus on painting it. The […]
Read MoreOrks have one of the coolest super-heavy model kits for Warhammer 40K Apocalypse and the new Apocalypse rule book again has rules for a Big Mek version of the Stompa.Here’s how I converted a Big Mek Stompa using only plastic parts. For those seeking ready made Big Mek Stompa parts Forge World makes a cool […]
Read MoreBlue Scribes Of Tzeentch are a fun concept for modeling and gaming and I just had to add one to my Daemon forces.Building one as an all plastic conversion from a Burning Chariot Of Tzeentch kit left me with a unique personal take on the model and a ton of cool extra parts while avoiding […]
Read MoreIn my last article I talked about building custom conversion parts for a Chaos Shadowsword.In part 2 I’m going to talk about painting it. Keep in mind that both the conversion and painting techniques I’m discussing here could be used on a wide variety of models and for different game systems. Making and painting custom […]
Read MoreI’ve always thought Apocalypse was the best expansion ever for Warhammer 40,000 and the new version released earlier this month does not disappoint.It certainly has energized me to work on some larger models again. Customizing Baneblades to give them a Chaos look and feel is an exercise in creative fun as I recently discussed in […]
Read MoreThe new Apocalypse Warhammer 40,000 supplement release on July 13 may have you thinking about working on some large models to bolster your forces or add some cool large centerpieces to it.As mentioned in my article recently about my Chaos Renegade Stormblade conversion, this time I’m going to talk about my Adeptus Mechanicus themed Baneblade […]
Read MoreThe new version of Warhammer 40k Apocalypse is set to be released on July 13, so now seems like a good time to focus on some superheavy modeling to help my fellow hobbyists bring miniatures of mass destruction to their game tables.With an Internet handle like “Brass Scorpion” you’ve probably surmised that Chaos is my […]
Read MoreI collect and paint all things Chaos, so after recently painting a Skull Cannon Of Khorne I set about working on a Burning Chariot Of Tzeentch. This model has a lot of elements to it so I built it in subsections and then painted those separately to make it easier and faster to paint. The […]
Read MoreWith an Internet hobby handle like “Brass Scorpion” you’d probably expect that I might like the new Skull Cannon Of Khorne and you’d be correct. Though when first revealed this model drew a lot of criticism on game forums I think once you get it up close and start work on it you discover that […]
Read MoreThough I’ve been going by the Internet hobby handle “Brass Scorpion” for a few years now, anyone who’s checked out my hobby articles over time knows that I dabble in a lot of Games Workshop model ranges besides Chaos. I’ve been sitting on a pile of Tau stuff since their previous Codex release and added […]
Read MoreDa Ork Warbosses need a propa ride, but dem guys at Games Workshop still don’t make a model for it. Here’s a quick and fun way to give yer Orky chief da kinda ride he deserves. First, you’ll be needin’ a plastic Ork Warbike. One a da bikes from da current Ork Warbike plastic box […]
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