Felix Fimbres, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 4 of 7

Sailor, Solider, Pilot, Photojournalist, Paratrooper, Technician, and Jack of Most of Trades. I consider myself a Blood Angel player, playing Death Company heavy armies. Recently, I’ve decided all my Blood Angels will fall to the Black Rage.

The Boys are back in town, Austin and Juice are going at it again with Tanks and Titans with a side of Legion of the Damned but the question is; is Pask clutch enough to drop three titans?

Read More | August 31st, 2016

Step aside all you buster European cleaning solutions, the UK is blowing the doors off your ragged selves with a brand new cleaner. How does it stack up against Stateside Champion Simple Green?

Read More | August 23rd, 2016