The Space Marines weapons and armor maybe some of the strongest in the universe, but their fortresses are even more daunting!
Read MoreJoshua Dunkerly, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 112 of 314
I have been a hobbyist/player for 15 plus years. I like a multitude of tabletop games but mostly enjoy the ones where I get to build or paint something! Don’t get me wrong, the game part is fun but there is nothing like putting a model you are truly proud of on a table.
The Nighthaunts are some of the scariest things to ever exist within the Realms of Sigmar, they are like Freddy to the next level!
Read MoreThe Space Wolves are some of the hardest drinking, foulmouthed, gruff dudes in all the Universe, but that doesn’t mean they won’t help you!
Read MoreWhen you are in the Universe of 40k the last thing you would expect to run into is a character straight outta Final Fantasy 7!
Read MoreThe Space Marines may have all the power armor and weapons, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need help from massive guns every now and then!
Read MoreWhen the forces of Chaos are finally ready to emerge into our realm and try to take over, they bring all sorts of horrors with them!
Read MoreWhen the Blood Angels say that their Primarch was an Angel, they mean that literally not metaphorically. Death comes on Angel’s Wings!
Read MoreThere are so many different types of Tau Battlesuit that it’s impossible to know all of them. That could be a problem since most can be used to identify the pilots!
Read MoreWhen you’re traveling through the underworlds of olden times, you never know what awaits you around every corner, beware the trolls and squigs!
Read MoreThe Space Marines try to make sure that they are equipped to take on all comers. Whether that’s with planes or a giant drill!
Read MoreWithin the lore of Star Wars there are many different ships that show up throughout the series, but none as famous as The Millenium Falcon!
Read MoreDuring the Horus Heresy half of all the Space Marines fell to chaos. The Heresy forced brother to fight brother in all-out war!
Read MoreThe 40k universe is hard enough as it is, the last thing you need to see is a Dino Mech roaring over the horizon as you fight for your life! Time to run!
Read MoreThe Space Marines are some of the most stoic warriors in the known universe. And when they fall, they simply dust off and get back into battle!
Read MoreWhen you’re forced to join the Imperial Guard there are many different branches to go into. Might as well join the ranks of Cobra!
Read MoreWhen you think of crazy inventions, Ork technology always comes to mind first. But only the Duradin would turn a chicken into a machine of war!
Read MoreThe Chaplains of the Space Marines may be some of the scariest dudes they have. Just look at them, they all wear skulls over their face!!
Read MoreThe Blood Angels are one of the few chapters that have many different styles of armor even though they are all in the same army!
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