The Inquisition and the Sisters of Battle work together a lot to make sure that Chaos does raise its ugly head!
Read MoreJoshua Dunkerly, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 144 of 314
I have been a hobbyist/player for 15 plus years. I like a multitude of tabletop games but mostly enjoy the ones where I get to build or paint something! Don’t get me wrong, the game part is fun but there is nothing like putting a model you are truly proud of on a table.
The Tyranids are one of the greatest horrors in the 41st millennium. They have no greater objective than to eat and destroy!
Read MoreThere are many who have claimed to be the true leaders of Chaos, but only one man is truly the Warmaster and that’s Abaddon!
Read MoreSometimes we think of dwarves as being tough little men that ride griffins and other times we think of them as those who dug too deep!
Read MoreWhen you already have a titan in your army you don’t really need much else to fight the enemy, but that doesn’t mean you can’t bring extra!
Read MoreThere are many different ways that Slaanesh likes to draw in new Daemons, but its best way is just to seduce you to join him!
Read MoreWhen the Adeptus Mechanicus are ready to take over an area, they send in all their new weaponry to give it a real test run!
Read MoreThere are many different types of daemons that worship Nurgle. But most of them look like oozing piles of gross!
Read MoreThere are so many different chapters of Space Marines when you call for backup, you don’t know if you’ll get one chapter or lots of chapters!
Read MoreWhen the Ultramarines are finally ready to go to battle, they make sure that even there Primarch is prepared!
Read MoreThe armies of Sylvaneth are hard to count the numbers of. When they are not marching they just appear as stationary forests!
Read MoreThe Eldar are so old that they have stared some of the old gods in their faces and lived to tell the tale about it!
Read MoreThere are many different races of Dwarves that live on the tabletop. Some you will never see as they dug too deep!
Read MoreWhen people think of the World Eaters, they think of horrible screaming, unthinking, killing machines. I would like to say they weren’t always that way, but you know!
Read MoreThere are many Primarchs that were created to help the Emperor expand man’s empire, But some of them fell and became Daemon Primarchs!
Read MoreThe Undead are some of the scariest foes in all of the mortal realms. I mean, what’s scarier than an army that grows as yours falls!
Read MoreWhen the Warriors of Chaos are finally ready to take down the walls of the enemy, they bring in the Obliterators!
Read MoreWhen you need to have something destroyed utterly and completely, then go ahead and summon a Daemon Prince to solve your problems!
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