In the Mortal Realms, there are none so inspiring as Sigmar himself. His legions are some of the most powerful in the universe!
Read MoreJoshua Dunkerly, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 145 of 314
I have been a hobbyist/player for 15 plus years. I like a multitude of tabletop games but mostly enjoy the ones where I get to build or paint something! Don’t get me wrong, the game part is fun but there is nothing like putting a model you are truly proud of on a table.
The Death Guard are so disgustingly resilient that it really doesn’t even matter what type of armor they’re wearing!
Read MoreThe Blood Angels are one of the first founding chapters and they are very proud of their long heritage; all the way back to their Primarch!
Read MoreWhen Goblins show up and attack a knight you know that you are in some serious trouble, How often do they get that brash!
Read MoreThe Tau seem to be a little holier than thou but its mainly due to all that greater good talk, they really get into battles and fights just like the rest of us!
Read MoreThe Blood Angels have always enjoyed getting to the front lines a little faster, it allows them to spill blood quicker!
Read MoreThe Space Marines have been the sword of the Emperor and the first choice to deal with the problem for as long as anyone can remember!
Read MoreThe Iron Warriors weren’t always the warriors of Chaos we know them as today. They were once noble warriors for the Emperor!
Read MoreThe Ultramarines have been some of the Emperors finest warriors for as long as anyone who is alive can remember!
Read MoreWhen the Genestealer Cults infiltrate a world, sometimes the infiltrate so far there is no going back for the planet.
Read MoreWhen the Legions of Slaanesh come spilling forth, there is one who is feared more highly than most. Her name is Morathi!
Read MoreWhen the Blood Angels need to find out where the enemy is, they break out their best scanners and find them!
Read MoreWhen the Legions of Chaos need a new Titan its not as easy as for the Imperials. I mean they have to go out and catch a Daemon first!
Read MoreWhen the Space Wolves are ready to destroy the enemy, they send in the full force of their mighty legion to bear down upon the enemy!
Read MoreWhen the Custodes are sent from their main post, guarding the Golden Throne, they know it must be a serious issue!
Read MoreThe Custodes are the first sword and shield that the Emperor has against the foes of Mankind. They will always answer the call!
Read MoreWhen the Daemonettes of Slaanesh show up, you never know what they may look like, but rest assured it will be beautiful!
Read MoreWhen the Son’s of Horus show up to a battlefield it may be time to run. Their tactics are not known to be the nicest in the galaxy!
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