When the Adeptus Mechanicus run into a new problem, they send it up to there Techpriests. They will either solve it or come up with a new device that will!
Read MoreJoshua Dunkerly, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 150 of 314
I have been a hobbyist/player for 15 plus years. I like a multitude of tabletop games but mostly enjoy the ones where I get to build or paint something! Don’t get me wrong, the game part is fun but there is nothing like putting a model you are truly proud of on a table.
There are many different possibilities when it comes to what could happen in our future. I mean for all we know Futurama could be right!
Read MoreThe Imperial Guard are not as tough as the Space Marines or as resilient as the Adeptus Mechanicus, but that doesn’t mean that they won’t fight till their last man standing!
Read MoreThe Space Marines aren’t always the best looking guys, but they are the best guys for the job most of the time!
Read MoreWhen the Space Marines need to kill something dead, they bring in all the tanks and dreads that they can. I mean it wouldn’t be any fun otherwise!
Read MoreIf your someone who enjoys making and customizing your own style of army. Then the Orks are the perfect race for you!
Read MoreWhen the Admech march out, it’s going to be a horrible day for the enemy. They will not stop until every enemy is dead!
Read MoreThe Chaos Space Marine Legions grow by defiling that which the Emperor has created. And they have no concern for what they corrupt!
Read MoreWhen the Legions of Chaos spilled forth from the eye most recently, they brought all manner of new Daemons with them!
Read MoreWhen you decide you wanna take a picnic into the woods of the Sylvaneth, make sure you take some weapons with you in case the forest decides to attack!
Read MoreKhorne is one of those Deities that just love to see what his minions are capable of. Often he tests them to get him more blood and skulls!
Read MoreThe Space Marines will always be one of the first soldiers on the battlefield when Chaos rears its ugly head!
Read MoreThe Dark Angels are always on the hunt for the fallen. Rarely do the unforgiven assemble in such numbers unless the times are dire, or the hunt is on.
Read MoreKhorne doesn’t ask a lot of his followers, just that they are always collecting skulls and blood for his throne!
Read MoreThere is nothing more awesome than a marine with his head on fire. I mean who doesn’t love a badass Legion of the Damned army!
Read MoreThe Imperial Fists have many great champions at their disposal. From the mighty Lysander to other warriors of legend though the years.
Read MoreWhen Imperial Guard Catachans need a little back up they just call in some the Imperial Knights led by a Castellan!
Read MoreWhen you want something taken care of, it’s better to do it yourself, but when you gotta do all the work all the time… it makes it hard!
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