When a Necron tomb world opens up, you better hope you’re on the opposite end of the galaxy. They will annihilate all life in the world when they wake up!
Read MoreJoshua Dunkerly, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 152 of 314
I have been a hobbyist/player for 15 plus years. I like a multitude of tabletop games but mostly enjoy the ones where I get to build or paint something! Don’t get me wrong, the game part is fun but there is nothing like putting a model you are truly proud of on a table.
When the Black Legion reemerged recently, they had a lot of new toys to play with. From new Obliterators to Daemon Engines you never know what you may see!
Read MoreThe Thousand Sons have been seeking an answer to Ahriman’s Rubric for as long as anyone can remember. They will continue searching until they find it or die trying!
Read MoreWhen the Chaos Marines need to get to the front lines faster than the enemy. The easiest way to do that is to summon some Raptors!
Read MoreThe Sylvaneth is one of those weird races that seem to exist purely because of magic. I mean how else could a forest walk!
Read MoreWhen the Space Marines had their great divide 10,000 years ago, Chaos took half of the Adeptus M4echanicus with them! Thus the Dark robots were born…
Read MoreThe Imperial Guard are one of those armies where you never know what they are going to bring to the battlefield. Who knows?
Read MoreThe World Eaters are one of those groups you can’t really tell if they are mad or not. Usually, it’s pretty safe to assume that they are mad!
Read MoreSome of the Champions of Man, in the realm of Sigmar, are just the regular people who fight the everyday battles that need to be fought!
Read MoreWhen the Adeptus Mechanicus built the Knight Titans. They built them with the intention of protection for all worlds!
Read MoreThe Imperial Guard is the army that most closely resembles the current armies of man. No super soldiers, no mega weapons, just men and their struggles!
Read MoreWhen the Shadowspear box came out it brought with it many new toys for the Imperium. One of the things given to almost all of them were Camo Cloaks!
Read MoreThe Eldar are such an old race that many of our new discoveries are old technology to them. One of the oldest technologies is the Webway which they use to traverse the galaxy!
Read MoreEvery Chapter of Space Marines has to take some Apothecaries with them. They need to make sure that the gene-seed doesn’t fall into the wrong hands!
Read MoreThe Elves have many factions that are as diverse as humans have races. Some worship the light and others the dark, but they are always full of magic!
Read MoreThe new Primaris Marines are made to be everything a Space Marine was and more. They have better mobility, armor, and weapons!
Read MoreWhat is scarier than an Imperial Knight Titan bearing down on you? How about a rabid Chaos Knight Titan bearing down on you?
Read MoreThe Orks are one of the hardest armies in the universe to eradicate, as they build their weapons from the wreckage and they reproduce via spores!
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