If you ever get a chance to join the Death Guard, remember these few things, it wont be pretty, and it will last forever!
Read MoreJoshua Dunkerly, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 161 of 314
I have been a hobbyist/player for 15 plus years. I like a multitude of tabletop games but mostly enjoy the ones where I get to build or paint something! Don’t get me wrong, the game part is fun but there is nothing like putting a model you are truly proud of on a table.
The Space Marines are mankind’s greatest hope to fight back against the darkness’s of the universe and they aren’t so good themselves!
Read MoreThe Nighthaunts were some of the first things to emerge from the Nightvault when it was opened and they have ruled the roost ever since!
Read MoreWhen the Nighthaunts ride out to battle, it usually means that some weird stuff is about to go down!
Read MoreWhen the Chaos Space Marines get tired of fighting Primarchs, they just summon their own evil versions of them!
Read MoreThe Legions of the Death Guard have always been fervent followers of the mighty god Nurgle spreading his pox across the universe!
Read MoreWhen the Space Marines are tired of getting beat to the front line, they employ the Adeptus Mechanicus to come up with a solution!
Read MoreThere are as many different chapters of Space Marines as there are colors in the rainbow, but don’t ever tease them on color choice!
Read MoreThe Stormcast Eternals just love to make an entrance. I mean, come on; riding lightening and dragons into battle is like the most epic entrance ever!
Read MoreWhen the Orks need to smash down a wall or invade a base, they build a new machine for just that purpose!
Read MoreThere are many different chapters of Space Marines in the universe, but none so caught up in contention as the Dark Angels!
Read MoreMost of the time when you think of the Custodes, you think of Marines clad in bright and shiny gold, but that’s not always the case!
Read MoreWhen the Nighthaunts need to attack a horde of people they bring their own horde and their ranks grow with every death!
Read MoreWhen the Dark Eldar come to a world it’s usually to grab more bodies to try out their sick and twisted science experiments on!
Read MoreWhen you are hunkered down in a trench and need back up, there is no greater backup than giant mechs to help you out!
Read MoreWhen you think of a Squig you usually think of a little critter with teeth, but they can get quite large and colorful!
Read MoreWhen a Space Marine needs back up they either call in more of their chapter or just send out a general distress call!
Read MoreThe Adeptus Mechanicus have all sorts of machines to keep them alive longer than they should, like giant mech suits!
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