The Sylvaneth don’t just make the forest move, the forest itself is actually alive and part of their realm!
Read MoreJoshua Dunkerly, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 163 of 314
I have been a hobbyist/player for 15 plus years. I like a multitude of tabletop games but mostly enjoy the ones where I get to build or paint something! Don’t get me wrong, the game part is fun but there is nothing like putting a model you are truly proud of on a table.
The Blood Angels swear that they are loyal to the Emperor. But, come on, how loyal can you be if you’re drinking blood out of that cup?
Read MoreThe Mighty Stormcast Eternals make no joke about how powerful they are. I mean, who else can ride lightning?
Read MoreWhen the legions of Nurgle show up on the world, they may not get to you very quickly, but they don’t care ’cause they will get there!
Read MoreWhen you think of the Custodes, do you think of gold plated marines guarding a corpse? Then you are correct!
Read MoreWhen the Orks ride into battle, they ride on the backs of Dragons. They are giants who love to eat men!
Read MoreBefore the Thousand Sons fell to the Gods of Chaos they were some of the Emperor’s finest psykers, not that he wanted any!
Read MoreWhen you are an Ork Commander and you want to destroy an enemy base, you commission the most powerful machine you can , har, har, har!
Read MoreThe Warhammer Orks have a duality to their belief system, they believe in both Gork and Mork and sometimes his embodiment shows up!
Read MoreAs the sky opens up and you smell the foul smell of a thousand compost heaps, it may be time to run before the Daemons arrive!
Read MoreWhen you are in the Adeptus Mechanicus and you want to build something new, there are very little rules they need to follow!
Read MoreWhen the Nighthaunts emerged from their graves there were some that were worse than others to have back taunting the living!
Read MoreWhen the Tyranids are finally ready to attack a world they send in all the bugs they have to flood the enemy with death!
Read MoreWhen the Iron Hands prepare to go into battle, they bring all manner of crazy weaponry with them to slay the enemy!
Read MoreWhen people think of the most powerful wizards in the known universe, many have forgotten the lizards of old!
Read MoreWhen the Space Marines are called in to help out with a chaotic situation, you never know which chapter you are going to get!
Read MoreWhen the Tyranids send in their invasion fleets to an unsuspecting world, it is not pods full of bugs, it’s Cult that arrive first!
Read MoreWhen you need a tally of all the dead that the Nurgle Daemons have killed through the eons, you ask the great tallyman Epidemus!
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