When the powers that be let loose the mighty Nighthaunts they didn’t realize that they may never be able to put the genie back in the bottle!
Read MoreJoshua Dunkerly, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 175 of 314
I have been a hobbyist/player for 15 plus years. I like a multitude of tabletop games but mostly enjoy the ones where I get to build or paint something! Don’t get me wrong, the game part is fun but there is nothing like putting a model you are truly proud of on a table.
There are many creepy crawly’s that exist inside the nightmares of the Nightvaults of Warhammer Underworlds, and not all of them are what you would expect!
Read MoreThe Space Wolves don’t take any guff from no one. They are some of the deadliest, tough as nails, Space Marines that exist in the universe!
Read MoreWhen the Space Marine chapters need to find new recruits they’re not like the regular military, you choose to join the fight or die!
Read MoreThe Adeptus Mechanicus are always looking for inventive new ways to help out the Space Marines and the rest of mankind in turn!
Read MoreThe legions of Nagash are never-ending. At least, it seems that way as every enemy that falls in battle rises anew in his image!
Read MoreThe Chaos Space Marines come in all shapes and colors including pink. Go ahead, make fun of a hulking monster wearing pink Power Armor!
Read MoreNot all the Orcs are horrible hulking monsters. Some of them just wanna have fun, dress up, and trick or treat like everyone else!
Read MoreWhen you picture Daemons in your head, you probably picture something resembling a Khorne Daemon, all horns, wings, and blades!
Read MoreThe Adeptus Mechanicus have all sorts of nonhuman weaponry, and some of it is used to infiltrate and destroy the enemy when they aren’t even looking!
Read MoreWhen the Stormcast Eternals show up to a battle you know that it has gotten worse, as they are only there in the worst case scenarios!
Read MoreThe Daemons of Chaos rarely work together and that’s a good thing for the mortal realms, if they ever did work together it would be over so fast!
Read MoreWhen you are a Black Templar, one of the greatest things you could achieve would be to become one of the Emperor’s champions!
Read MoreWhen the forces of Tzeentch show up on a battlefield they bring all manner of crazy looking Daemons with them to cause chaos.
Read MoreThe Tau are the youngest race in the galaxy, they are still learning how to expand into the greater universe but that doesn’t mean they are pushovers!
Read MoreThe Death Guard are some of the most resilient warriors in the galaxy, mainly due to the gifts they receive from Papa Nurgle!
Read MoreIf you’re wandering around in the Realms of Sigmar and you hear a scurrying hurrying up from behind you, it’s probably a safe bet to hide!
Read MoreOrcs are one of those weird races that are very unusual, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t millions out there. Ready too Waaagh!
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