Sometimes you really don’t wanna know what can happen when a Titan falls to chaos, I mean the repercussions can be disturbing, to say the least!
Read MoreJoshua Dunkerly, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 177 of 314
I have been a hobbyist/player for 15 plus years. I like a multitude of tabletop games but mostly enjoy the ones where I get to build or paint something! Don’t get me wrong, the game part is fun but there is nothing like putting a model you are truly proud of on a table.
You know even the Space Marines can get in on the costuming around Halloween, although its usually always a trick and never a treat!
Read MoreThere was a time that the Dark Eldar and the Eldar did not work together but that time has long passed and they have learned to let go!
Read MoreWhen the Legions of Nurgle show up at the front gates they bring all manner of banner wavers with them, some are more vocal than others!
Read MoreThe Knights of Khorne are always on the prowl for new skulls and blood to spill in the name of their patron deity of blood and bones!
Read MoreWhen you wake up and notice everyone around you have suddenly turned purple and are growing new limbs, it’s time to get outta there!
Read MoreWhen Nurgle asks you to be a mighty Daemon Prince, you either decide to do it or risk becoming a Daemon Spawn for all eternity!
Read MoreWhen the Orks decide who a new Warboss is, it is not so much of a decision as it is the fact that one of the Orks kills his way to the top!
Read MoreThe Space Marines are some of mankind’s greatest heroes, but they were designed to be that, so if they weren’t they would just be a giant failure!
Read MoreThe Iron Hands were some of the first to let themselves be interred into Dreadnoughts, I mean they get to become one with the machine spirit!
Read MoreWhen the Nightvault opened magic poured into the realms of Shadespire, now many different warbands are showing their mettle!
Read MoreThe Orks don’t care if a thing is broken or not, ’cause as long as they believe in their green hearts that it will work, it will work!
Read MoreThe Daemons of Chaos come in all forms from the foulest to the most glorious. But, they always come in like crashing ocean waves!
Read MoreThe Space Marines are some of the hardiest warriors around, and when they show up to a planet to help they don’t usually require an army!
Read MoreThe Salamanders know that their Primarch will return one day. After all, it is impossible to truly kill a Perpetual Salamander.
Read MoreThe Imperial Guard may have changed their name recently, but, that doesn’t change who they are on the inside. They will always be the Guard to some!
Read MoreWhen the Daemons of Tzeentch show up, you know things are about to get weird. I mean they are the Daemons of change incarnate!
Read MoreThe Death Guard are not an easy bunch to work with. First there’s the smell, then there’s the pox and finally, they are just a grumpy, rowdy bunch!
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