When you are just a regular Space Marine in the army, you are not anything special but compared to a normal human you are a God!
Read MoreJoshua Dunkerly, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 184 of 314
I have been a hobbyist/player for 15 plus years. I like a multitude of tabletop games but mostly enjoy the ones where I get to build or paint something! Don’t get me wrong, the game part is fun but there is nothing like putting a model you are truly proud of on a table.
If you call for the Space Marines to come and help you, don’t be surprised if you happen to find yourself overrun in power armor.
Read MoreThe Thousand Sons have usually mutated a little more than the average Chaos follower, that’s what happens when your god is a God of Change!
Read MoreThe forces of the Death Guard are resilient for a reason, mainly that they are already fully bloated full of rot and disease!
Read MoreIf a tree with three giant circles on it shows up in your backyard, its best to just leave it be and find another home altogether!
Read MoreWhen the Thousand Sons march to the battlefield there are two people that are always there to lead the charge, Ahriman and Magnus!
Read MoreWhen the Daughters of Khaine first show up their leader is in the form of a regular lady, but once she is agitated you better watch out!
Read MoreWhen you fall into the trappings of Shadespire it’s already too late for you, the most you can hope for is not to be captured by Nagash!
Read MoreWhen an Ork gets big enough, if there is a Warboss he disagrees with then he goes ahead and challenges for leadership. Might makes right!
Read MoreThe Eldar have mastered the ability to traverse the star systems using their mighty webway technology to get where they are going!
Read MoreThe Space Marines are also known as the Emperor’s finest warriors, and that is why when they fall to Chaos they fall the hardest!
Read MoreSometimes even the Space Marines long for the past, so they created a way to get there. The only problem now is getting the power!
Read MoreNo one will ever accuse the Dark Angels of not being overly artistic when it comes to their vehicles. But, these works of art will smite evil.
Read MoreWhen the Sisters of Battle show up to a fight they bring all manner of rarely seen machines of war with them to help out the Imperium!
Read MoreWhen the Eldar build a Titan it is constructed entirely out of out of Wraithbone. These Titans are unlike any other and are living beings!
Read MoreThe Nighthaunts are one of the newest or oldest races in Age of Sigmar depending upon how you look at it! Little is known about these ghosts.
Read MoreWhen the Imperial Knights walk the world trembles beneath there mighty feet, and warriors are scattered to the wind with fear.
Read MoreWhen forces of Chaos gets their hands on an Imperial Knight Titan they go ahead and corrupt it up good, if they can they add a Daemon too!
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