When Nurgle sends his minions forth into real space, he cares not for how many he loses as long as his pox spreads amogst the stars.
Read MoreJoshua Dunkerly, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 192 of 314
I have been a hobbyist/player for 15 plus years. I like a multitude of tabletop games but mostly enjoy the ones where I get to build or paint something! Don’t get me wrong, the game part is fun but there is nothing like putting a model you are truly proud of on a table.
The Death Guard seem to live forever with there disgusting resilience, but what’s worse sometimes they come back for more!
Read MoreThe warriors of Khorne care not from where the Blood flows, just that it flows like rivers and oceans! Chaos has assembled.
Read MoreThe Beastmen have always been important agents of Chaos, they are some of the strongest warriors and the forces of Chaos can always call upon them!
Read MoreThe Imperial Guard usually rely on large numbers or superior tanks and weapons, but sometimes they rely on there dead to get the job done!
Read MoreWhen the Stormcast Eternals ride into battle they do it atop of some of the craziest beasts you have ever seen in your life!
Read MoreWhen the forces of the Wood Elves march out of the safety of the forest, the forest itself must decide whether or not it will walk with them!
Read MoreThe Chaos Sorcerers have always been very devoted to their patrons, mainly cause they give out great gifts to there most devout!
Read MoreThe Death Guard are some of the most disgustingly resilient warriors that you would ever meet! Their bloated forms can withstand many wounds.
Read MoreThe Lizardmen are some of the most powerful magic users in all the known realms, but their magic rituals are shrouded in mystery.
Read MoreThe Chaos Space Marines have been planning their vengeance for as long as they can remember, and it will be a glorious time for Chaos!
Read MoreWhen you want to really have something wrecked you call in the Imperial Knight Titans, I mean come on look at all those guns!
Read MoreIn the deep forests of Sylvaneth, some of the trees tend to move and bend in a way that is just not natural! They even sway with no wind.
Read MoreSome of the members of Chaos don’t worship any specific god they just worship Chaos itself, watch out for these men! They hold no allegiances.
Read MoreWhen the Orks need a new vehicle they just rummage through the remains of their enemy, build something new, and paint it red!
Read MoreIf you wanna really have a wild time join the Daemonic forces of Tzeentch, the party would be a blast if you could be up for a little change!
Read MoreWhen Nagash asks you to join his ranks its not so much a question, as he just kills you and forces you to do his bidding anyway!
Read MoreWhen the Orks attack all that you might see is a tide of green skin screaming and running toward you, don’t run you’ll only die tired!
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