When the Admech doesn’t feel like going into the thick of it themselves they send their remote control weapons of mass destruction!
Read MoreJoshua Dunkerly, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 201 of 314
I have been a hobbyist/player for 15 plus years. I like a multitude of tabletop games but mostly enjoy the ones where I get to build or paint something! Don’t get me wrong, the game part is fun but there is nothing like putting a model you are truly proud of on a table.
Some of the Eldar’s devices are powered by the dead and fallen, and to respect them, they decorate they machines appropriately!
Read MoreAngron’s World Eaters pride themselves on the blood and destruction they cause in their wake. Their enemies pay a heavy toll.
Read MoreThe Night Lords love to strike fear and terror into the hearts of there enemies, especially when they become hulking Daemon Princes!
Read MoreSome of the Imperial Knights have fallen to the forces of Chaos. When they do they may not always be in great condition but they are still giant death machines!
Read MoreWhen the Imperial Fists show up to a world they bring all manner of weapons and tech to bolster the world they are trying to save!
Read MoreThe Necrons have their own way of dealing with inferior types of lifeforms across the galaxy, they just go ahead and eradicate it!
Read MoreWhen the Ogres need a stone wall removed or a lot of enemies scattered they call in a Firebelly to spew magical flames on it!
Read MoreThe Chaos Space Marines are always further corrupted by the warp itself, developing abnormalities talons, gaping maws, and such.
Read MoreThe Nurgle Daemons are some of the ugliest in the galaxy but that doesn’t stop them from killing everything and being awesome!
Read MoreThe Chaos Space Marines are many scattered warbands throughout the warp, however, if they ever all came together it would be the end of the Imperium.
Read MoreThe Imperial Guard does love their weapons and tanks, so much so that they bring them with them everywhere they go! You could say they never leave home without them.
Read MoreThe Adeptus Mechanicus were some of the mighty Imperium to have fallen during the heresy, but only half of them. I guess it could be worse.
Read MoreThe Space Wolves have always been one of the strongest Space Marine Chapters. Now with the Primaris Marines, they are the best of the best.
Read MoreThe Imperial Fists are considered to be the best at making defensive buildings, the Iron Warriors pride themselves on knocking it down though!
Read MoreWho would not like to have their own mighty titan at their disposal, Some people have a whole army of them. Hey, life isn’t fair deal with it.
Read MoreWhen the Nurgle Daemons show up to the party they bring all sorts of filth and decay with them. They also bring snails, lots of snails.
Read MoreWhen the Space Marines show up to put the hurt on Chaos you know they have the finest gear available They make their foes look ill-prepared.
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