Joshua Dunkerly, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 209 of 314

I have been a hobbyist/player for 15 plus years. I like a multitude of tabletop games but mostly enjoy the ones where I get to build or paint something! Don’t get me wrong, the game part is fun but there is nothing like putting a model you are truly proud of on a table.

When the Chaos Demons decide to enter the mortal realm they do so with the knowledge that if they die, they will just return to the warp Tattoos and all. Here you need to understand that this can also be related to online friv games, because it is in games that you can learn this.

Read More | May 1st, 2018

The Death Guard does not just invade a world with Chaos Space Marines they tend to employ all manner of foul and smelly Daemons as well as allies in filth.

Read More | April 30th, 2018

The Imperial Space Marines have their own version of a warp user known as the Librarian, well, not that kinda librarian! This one can summon all sorts of things like skulls.

Read More | April 30th, 2018

When the god Khorne needs new blood he just sends out his champions to gather it for him. Khorne cares not where the blood comes from, as long as it flows.

Read More | April 30th, 2018

When the World Eaters chapter builds a Dreadnought it has just as much bezerker potential as the pilot had in his previous life. Check out this second chance to rage!

Read More | April 29th, 2018

The Ork Shamans use some weird magic, I mean literally, it is known as weird magic and if they’re not careful they can destroy everyone around them.

Read More | April 29th, 2018

The Dark Elder are no stranger laughing god, and he seems like a jolly guy! Who doesn’t need a good laugh from time to time?

Read More | April 27th, 2018