The Dwarves have always been a sturdy and stock hardy race, but add the element of ice and they’re almost unbeatable in battle!
Read MoreJoshua Dunkerly, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 210 of 314
I have been a hobbyist/player for 15 plus years. I like a multitude of tabletop games but mostly enjoy the ones where I get to build or paint something! Don’t get me wrong, the game part is fun but there is nothing like putting a model you are truly proud of on a table.
Space Marines are known to be the bringers of light to the dark reaches of the galaxy, but some of them really take it literally about the keeping part!
Read MoreWhen the brave Tau makes a new battle suit there are a lot of things to consider, like size, weight, and how many guns do you want!
Read MoreThe Adeptus Mechanicus are some of the smartest beings in the universe and half of them still fell into Chaos. Check out this Blanchitsu styled Warband.
Read MoreSometimes when you are a magical creature you don’t need a vehicle to breath underwater, but we are not all magical creatures!
Read MoreAnyone who has played 40k for any given time knows a Space Marine’s battle doesn’t stop in death. You only get a 15min break and then its back to work in a swiss army casket!
Read MoreWhen the Dwarves of Sigmar dug, they dug too deep, too fast, and awoke something they shouldn’t have. Now they seek to make it right!
Read MoreThe Dark Mechanicus are some of the scariest people in the universe, mainly cause they build the weapons of mass destruction in the 41st millennium.
Read MoreOgres have been tough to kill since the dawn of time. Today we see have a vision of what they would look like if they got tougher by becoming undead.
Read MoreThe Chaos Space Marines don’t mess around when they show up. Run and pray they don’t catch you because they take no prisoners, in the grim dark future.
Read MoreSome of the Nurgle’s Daemon Princes are just plain fun, I mean if there’s any Chaos god that understands fun its Nurgle right?
Read MoreEldar are known for a few things but one of the biggest is using the webway and astral projection to shape time and space to their advantage!
Read MoreThe Blood Angels are an amazing Space Marine chapter, but they also suffer from the black rage which makes them unpredictable and dangerous.
Read MoreThe Deathwatch are made up of chapters from all over the universe some even have been there since before the fall to Chaos! Today one gets the Primaris treatment
Read MoreWhen you are a Champion of Nurgle you are ultra-resilient but at the same time gross and decaying. You take the good with the bad!
Read MoreWhen the Vampire Counts come to settle down in your town you can either join them quickly or run, become a meal, and join them slowly as a creature of the night.
Read MoreThe Imperial Guard is one of the most massive armies in the known universe, so why not a steampunk version from yet another realm of the Imperium?
Read MoreNobody expects the Imperial Inquisition, actually that’s not true in the 41st millennium EVERYONE expects the Imperial Inquisition! Especially a chapel that drives itself!
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