The Necron Dynasties are all hiding right under our feet, you can never tell if you are on a Tomb World or not till it wakes up!
Read MoreJoshua Dunkerly, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 211 of 314
I have been a hobbyist/player for 15 plus years. I like a multitude of tabletop games but mostly enjoy the ones where I get to build or paint something! Don’t get me wrong, the game part is fun but there is nothing like putting a model you are truly proud of on a table.
Some of the Daemon Princes of Nurgle can fly and some cant, but the ones who can sore across the battlefield sometimes look kinda like giant flies!
Read MoreThe Skaven have skittered there way onto the Shadespire seen and made a huge splash stealing all the glory for their own!
Read MoreThe Custodes don’t need a huge army to take care of you, they will just send a patrol force and wipe out entire legions of Chaos with their force weapons.
Read MoreInquisitors have access to all sorts of things, they can even commission there own weapons if need be and need no permission to do so. Check out this cool Sisters Knight.
Read MoreThe Orks of the 41st millennium could be hired as the universes greatest mechanics if they didn’t love slaughter so much that is!
Read MoreWilfred Brimley is known for his many Diabetes commercials throughout the years, and was probably the inspiration for this Ogyrn!
Read MoreThe Death Guard has there own twisted version of the Apothecary, and he is not a dude you wanna look in the face. You probably won’t survive the Doc of Rot.
Read MoreThe Inquisition has been traditionally thought of as a male organization but that doesn’t mean they don’t have females amongst their ranks. Check out this diorama.
Read MoreWhen the Daemons come tearing out of the warp all reality is rendered asunder around them! Reality bends and twists to their will.
Read MoreA good half of the Adeptus Mechanicus fell into Chaos and followed them into the warp and now their creations serve the will of evil as loose cannons!
Read MoreKhorne has never really cared from where the blood flows, just that it flows, and I mean rivers. The World Eaters have the angriest of all Decimators to help.
Read MoreOrks are some of the most powerful beings in the universe if they could all see eye to eye. It is too bad they can not organize into groups well.
Read MoreThe Space Wolves aren’t the best at getting along with everyone, but sometimes they have to suck it up, deal, and put on a big toothy grin!
Read MoreThe Necron Tomb Worlds are everywhere and when they are awakened all manner of mechanical nightmare shows up, sometimes spiders with more than two legs.
Read MoreThe Tau really don’t mind who they work with as long as it helps them achieve there ends, even if it’s the nefarious Death Guard Legion.
Read MoreThe Night Lords have made it their goal to strike fear into the hearts of all who cross them, or maybe just happen to spot their heavy metal thunder!
Read MoreThe destructive forces of Chaos come in many forms in the mortal realms. Don’t let this shield maiden fool you with her appearance.
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