When the Chaos Space Marines build a new vehicle, you know it’s going to be scary, and this Hell Blade is no exception. Come take a look at today’s Army of One.
Read MoreJoshua Dunkerly, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 220 of 314
I have been a hobbyist/player for 15 plus years. I like a multitude of tabletop games but mostly enjoy the ones where I get to build or paint something! Don’t get me wrong, the game part is fun but there is nothing like putting a model you are truly proud of on a table.
The Chaos Space Marines have their own Dark Mechanicus pumping out awesome machines of death. Come take a look at this amazing Conversion Corner.!
Read MoreWhen you are an Apothecary of the Space Marines you see some of the worst of the worst man has to offer! Who’s ready for their checkup?
Read MoreSometimes the dice gods can seem as bad as the Chaos gods, but if you ever get a chance to see them you will realize there actually pretty cute!
Read MoreThe Custodes look like some of the gaudiest people around, but that is only because there bathed in gold! You’re not going to want to miss today’s Golden Army of One!
Read MoreWhen Chaos Daemons spill from the warp, it is time to consider what is really important to you! Come check out today’s Armies on Parade!
Read MoreFabius Bile is one of the creepiest champions of Chaos, his experiments have led to many advances for the dark gods! You’re not going to want to miss this Conversion Corner!
Read MoreMortarion has been quietly watching his children from the shadows for years, waiting for the right time to return! Come take a look at today’s Army of One!
Read MoreThe Chaos Space Marines not only employ Space Marines and Daemons, they also have a lot of Cultists that follow them into battle!
Read MoreThe Tech Priests of The Adeptus Mechanicus are smarter and older than anyone gives them credit for! For centuries their vigilance has held the Emperor’s war machines together.
Read MoreThe Eldar have been fighting the good fight so long that they laugh at the efforts of other races! Come take at today’s Army of One!
Read MoreMephiston is one of the most powerful psykers in all of the universe, some people claim it is because he may be harboring a daemon!
Read MoreThe Marines of the Deathwatch know that they are the last line of defense most of the time! Come take a look at today’s Army of One!
Read MoreWhen you dive deep into the Underhives of Necromunda, you run into all sorts of wretched scum and villainy! Take a look at this Goliath Army of One!
Read MoreThe Warp Talons of Chaos are some scary guys. They come screaming out of the warp on wings, jetpacks, or whatever just to kill you!
Read MoreThe Aeldari have been waiting for the right time to help the Space Marines to push back Chaos…and that time has finally arrived!
Read MoreDeath Guard Lords of Contagion come in many shapes and sizes. Many also carry huge axes known as Plague Reapers. Take a look at this awesome conversion!
Read MoreThe Thousand Sons’ sorcerers are super powerful, mainly because they work for the actual Lord of Change! Take a look at these fantastic followers of Tzeentch!
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