Nurgle’s blessings will keep you alive for a long time, now whether that’s a good thing or not is debatable!! Come see what’s inside a Chaos Knight Titan.
Read MoreJoshua Dunkerly, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 294 of 314
I have been a hobbyist/player for 15 plus years. I like a multitude of tabletop games but mostly enjoy the ones where I get to build or paint something! Don’t get me wrong, the game part is fun but there is nothing like putting a model you are truly proud of on a table.
Before he was the despoiler and before there was a black legion there was Ezekyle Abaddon!!
Read MoreSome ships look like crazy cruise ships traveling through the stars, well why not paint it up like one!
Read MoreThe Space Wolve’s Leviathans have mainly been out of service for years when this one woke up he was a ‘lil cranky!!
Read MoreWhen the Astra Millitarum builds tanks they do so to the extreme! But when the renegades get it, look out!
Read MoreThis week on pimp my X-Wing someone saw Boba Fett’s color scheme and was like I want that! Why does the Ghost look like Slave One?
Read MoreAction scenes are always awesome, especially when it’s a flyer raining down some Death from the Skies!!
Read MoreThe Tau have been using there warmachines so much they’re starting to look really worn!
Read MoreKhorne Daemons ride to battle atop iron hoofed metal beasts- whats scarier then that!!
Read MoreThe Phantoms are called Phantoms for a reason they seem to just come out of nowhere, sometimes in a Solar Flare!
Read MoreWhen Space Wolves get a hold of anything there are two things you can be sure of it will have Runes and Wolf heads! Too much metal for one Titan?
Read MoreThe Word Bearers also wanted to get there hands on a disintegration gun, and why not? They’re are an awesome weapon!
Read MoreOrks love nothing more then to build crazy stuff outta junk, well maybe killin’ they definitely love killin’ more!! Come see dis Waaagh!
Read MoreGrey Knight Contemptors are some scary powerful looking machines. I mean look at that guy, that is the stuff of Heretic’s nightmares!
Read MoreChaos space marines like to use the many gods to help them in there fight against the false Emperor!!
Read MoreThe Star Wars universe always kinda made the Empire Space British. Now their ships look appropriate!!
Read MoreWhen Grandfather Nurgle is out of town he leaves things in the hands of his brother Pig God Jerry!!
Read MoreAbaddon gets his own personal flight when he goes down to a planet, and he even gets an Justaerin entourage!!
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