Joshua Dunkerly, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 308 of 314
I have been a hobbyist/player for 15 plus years. I like a multitude of tabletop games but mostly enjoy the ones where I get to build or paint something! Don’t get me wrong, the game part is fun but there is nothing like putting a model you are truly proud of on a table.
Wanna see what happens when Orks get their hands on a titan skeleton? You gots it, they wants it!
Read MoreWhen a Bloodthirster of Infinite Rage tells you to show him off to people, you just do!!
Read MoreLook what happens when you keep stomping the Tau with titans, they eventually build their own!
Read MoreWanna know what happens when a Maulerfiend get’s loose? So do I!
Read MoreWell everyone it’s that time of year again. The Las Vegas Open has just passed and boy have we got some pics for you.
Read MoreHorus has always stood tall and proud, now he also stands at the top of the stairs lording over those below him.
Read MoreThis is what happens when you mix chess with knights, well I guess they were always mixed together!!
Read MoreUltramarines love to travel in style and what better style then a sweet tank!! Behold the Sicaran of the XIII!
Read MoreWelcome, come one, come all, and see the amazing Space Marine Museum! Checkout what tourists in the grim dark may look at!
Read MoreWhen waves crash on the Eldar they just make it into a paint job! Checkout the Iyanden Rising!
Read MoreCome see what happens when Fallout 4 falls off your screen and onto your tabletop.
Read MoreWhen Ad Mech marches to war they mostly always try to bring titans, mostly! Checkout the new Knight Atrapos from Forge World.
Read MoreCome see what happens when an out of control Rocket Boy barrels into a Space Marine?
Read MoreOne does not just ride a Juggernaught into the bowels of Chaos, first you get a little blessing from grandfather Nurgle!!
Read MoreAll is Dust, unless you are talking about Thousand Son titans then all is metal and pain, well and some dust… Checkout this Titan of Change!
Read MoreSometimes the Alpha Legion likes to stay in the shadows, and sometimes they like to roll up with all the bling! Alpharius is in THIS Tank!
Read MoreImperial tanks, and knight titans ain’t got nothing on this bad boy. He eats those units for breakfast!!
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