When the Orks decide that they are going to perform a Waaagh! you don’t want to be the one on the receiving end!
Read MoreJoshua Dunkerly, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 80 of 314
I have been a hobbyist/player for 15 plus years. I like a multitude of tabletop games but mostly enjoy the ones where I get to build or paint something! Don’t get me wrong, the game part is fun but there is nothing like putting a model you are truly proud of on a table.
The Eldar are one of the few races that have technology so advanced that they don’t even bother camouflaging their weapons!
Read MoreThe Orks are one of those races that love the actual chaos that is created during combat, it’s where they feel most at home!
Read MoreHumans have a tendency to find a way to solve any problem they may have, whether that be giant bugs or magic space elves!
Read MoreThere are many different armies that have fought their way through the different realms and you never know what you’ll find out there!
Read MoreSome factions take their decorations very seriously and sometimes you just need more corpses for your awesome corpse wall!
Read MoreHave you ever been wandering around a ship by yourself late at night and all the lights go out, run, it could be Night Lords!
Read MoreWhen you are in the Realms of Sigmar it is probably a good idea to stay away from the graveyards, you never know what might pop out!
Read MoreThe Orks build some of the craziest machines in the known universe, it may be because they don’t really care how it works!
Read MoreBlood Bowl is a game where many different competitors from around the Realms of Sigmar come to compete on the field!
Read MoreThere are really so many ways to kit out your armor in the universe of 40k from cool weapons to tons of arms!
Read MoreThe Dark Eldar weren’t always so helpful to the regular Eldar in fact they used to be as different as Chaos Space Marines and Space Marines!
Read MoreThe Imperial Guard loves tanks probably more than any other army in the known universe, they have whole legions of them!
Read MoreThe Space Marines have so many chapters that I think they don’t even know all of them that are out there!
Read MoreThe Death Guard has some of the most disgusting monsters of all of the forces of Chaos, mainly due to the disease!
Read MoreWhen you are part of the Space Marines you are always fighting your way through the hardest and toughest terrain there is!
Read MoreThe Legion of the Damned is easier to identify than most Space Marines as their heads are usually on fire!
Read MoreEvery job has a purpose otherwise that job wouldn’t exist, this man’s job is to drive his fellow warriors forward!
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