The Necrons are older than almost all the races in existence, and they are angry their empire has been overtaken by lesser races!
Read MoreJoshua Dunkerly, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 89 of 314
I have been a hobbyist/player for 15 plus years. I like a multitude of tabletop games but mostly enjoy the ones where I get to build or paint something! Don’t get me wrong, the game part is fun but there is nothing like putting a model you are truly proud of on a table.
Some comic characters are so instantly recognizable you don’t really have to tell anyone who they are!
Read MoreWhat happens when a warband of Orruks take to the seas? They turn everything into ridiculous war machines and continue fighting!
Read MoreI’m sure you have heard the phrase “a face only a mother could love” well, some faces are even unlovable by those standards!
Read MoreWhen the Death Guard is ready to attack they dip all the tips of their scythes into the pox to bring true death to others!
Read MoreThe Blood Angels are some of the finest warriors that man has to offer- as long as no one ever finds out their dark secret!
Read MoreThe Imperial Guard has many different warriors and most of them are disposable but every once in a while one proves his worth!
Read MoreWhen you want to find gold in a fantasy world it’s probably a good idea to follow a dragon, they always know where the gold is!
Read MoreWhen the Space Marines decide that they are going to help a world sometimes they only have to send in a handful of warriors!
Read MoreThe Eldar are so old that their champion’s names have been written in the annals of history long before the earth was even a thing!
Read MoreThe Salamanders were brought up in a world that is always on fire so they don’t mind the heat at all!
Read MoreThe Great Unclean One is not Nurgle himself but he is one of his mightiest avatars and probably the closest you’ll ever get to him!
Read MoreThe Iron Hands are one of those chapters that have a very close relationship with the Adeptus Mechanicus and therefore get some of the neatest Tech!
Read MoreWhen the Space Marines can’t handle the problem themselves they call in their most powerful legions, the Titan Legions!
Read MoreWhen the Eldar have amassed and prepared for battle there is little that will slow them down or get in their way!
Read MoreThe Necrons have been sleeping and waiting for the right time to strike, and now is that time with the return of the Silent King!
Read MoreThe Space Wolves are what you get when you mix hard alcohol, big beards, and giant wolves into one cohesive story!
Read MoreIf you are in the universes of 40k there are all types of humans with guns that you could possibly run into!
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