The Space Marines have many different divisions you can go into once you decide on a chapter, then you need to decide what to focus on!
Read MoreJoshua Dunkerly, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 98 of 314
I have been a hobbyist/player for 15 plus years. I like a multitude of tabletop games but mostly enjoy the ones where I get to build or paint something! Don’t get me wrong, the game part is fun but there is nothing like putting a model you are truly proud of on a table.
The Sylvaneth army is an army of the forest and sometimes they need a little help, so they call in who they can!
Read MoreIf you lived back in the times of Star Wars you could just hire a bounty hunter to take care of your problems!
Read MoreWhen you think of the Legions of Tzeentch there are many different things that may go through your mind and all of them are scary!
Read MoreThe Eldar have things known as Pheonix Lords and almost all of them are super famous like this one known as Jain Zar!
Read MoreThe most powerful of all the mythical beasts is the mighty dragon possessing sometimes the ability to speak, fly, cast magic, shoot fireballs, and horde gold!
Read MoreWhen you want to raise the dead but you are no good at it yourself, what you need to do is find yourself a good necromancer!
Read MoreWhen the Space Marines celebrate Christmas they do it in the same way as the rest of us, only in power armor!
Read MoreWhen you think about the armies of humanity you usually think about endless troops, but don’t forget about the knights and planes!
Read MoreWhen you really need to rouse your army and get them prepared for battle, nothing is better than a heroic pose and banners!
Read MoreThe Imperial Guard are some of the most courageous soldiers out there on the battlefield, wearing nothing but flak vests against 10 foot Orks!
Read MoreThe Adeptus Mechanicus are an army of half-machine half-man hybrids that most people today would call abominations!
Read MoreSome people try everything they can to save their crops from horrible pests like vermin and birds, even going so far as to hire a living scarecrow!
Read MoreThe Eldar were created to help push back the Necron threat by the Old Ones but that doesn’t mean they won’t fight others as well!
Read MoreWhen you are tired of getting the living daylights kicked out of you, you should opt to get a cyber suit, it will help, trust me!
Read MoreWhen you find yourself lost in the swamp make sure to keep your eyes peeled you never know what type of monster is lurking below the surface!
Read MoreThe Forces of Chaos are vast and spread across the galaxy and warp space so even if you kill one that doesn’t guarantee they’re dead!
Read MoreKharn is one of the many champions of Khorne, he will always try and spill as much blood and collect as many skulls as he can!
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