Here is an article I wanted to write for a bit but wasn’t sure if i could. Let’s take a quick look and promote a site some might know, Void state. You can find the site right here. For those who don’t know, Void state is a free to use X-Wing squad builder. And lets just […]
Read MoreSuper Kaiju, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 2 of 3
Oh lordy lord. Even more leaks! This time about the rules for the new giant ship stuff.And let me be the first say yet again, WHY CAN’T WE GET BETTER PICTURES HERE?! Other than that, lets take a look. First and foremost these babies aren’t in scale. Which in my opinion, is a shame. Granted, […]
Read MoreOh boy oh boy it’s a thing! A new thing! Involving ships!Well, just another leaked picture thing, this time of the new GR-75 Rebel Transport. Rolls right off the tongue doesn’t it? And what does this little picture tell us? Well, High quality pictures are never used for leaks, don’t know why. But that also […]
Read MoreThe TIE Advanced. Darth Vaders personal space fighter and the ship meant to replace the TIE Fighter and lead to the creation of the TIE Bomber and TIE Interceptor.Sounds pretty awesome right? So, why does it just stink? I mean since I started this game I never see people use them, even way back when […]
Read MoreWith the immense success of Star Wars X-Wing it was only a matter of time before the flip side of nerd coin would get its own mini game. That’s right boys and girls, Star Trek takes it first walk into the space combat miniatures game (least I hope so cause if I’m wrong I’m so […]
Read MoreLookie lookie on possible rumors hitting the internets. with this here picture we can see a possible price for the new upcoming ship.And oh lord in heaven, 90 bucks? Granted, something tells me this is all a nice little hoax. This was found on Amazon, but with no real info outside that, theres not much […]
Read MoreThis time around I’ll be talking about the other two ships, the HWK-290 and the Lambda together.Are they worth the time and effort or are they best left in the scrap yard? Again, you’ll want to pick them up purely for the upgrades, but should you get multiple ships? Lets find out. Well, lets answer […]
Read MoreContinuing with my run on the new ships, lets talk about the Tie Bomber in a more review type tone.Like with the B-Wing, I won’t be going over the pilots or upgrades or anything. Just the ships as a whole with my time playing with them, and whether or not you should shell out some […]
Read MoreAnd now that the new wave three ships have been out and about for a bit, lets start talking about them and whether they’re worth your time and effort.This won’t be like my older ‘reviews’ as I’ve discussed all the upgrades and pilots and all those goodies during the pre release times. So now we’re […]
Read MoreAnd once again I find myself at a lost of any ideas to write about without resorting to laziness and Fantasy Flight once again provides! But this time, all i can say is, wha? Just announced, new Imperial Aces! For 30 bucks, you can get a pack of 2 Tie Interceptors with new paint jobs […]
Read MoreIf there’s one thing X-Wing has taught me, its that it’s going to making me eat my words over and over. First I said Han was kind of poopy, then it comes back to destroy me and become a meta list. A few other things as well have crossed my mind but for the life of […]
Read MoreWith things slowing down and all that jazz in the world of X-wing while we all eagerly await Wave 3 (which was, maybe, delayed in the UK, sorry), I think I’ll use this time and be lazy.Time to look at all the older pilots and see if they’re worth using! And like i said, I’m […]
Read MoreOh snap! Fantasy Flight is previewing more stuff! And here i thought it would have died down till release, showed me!Some more B-wing goodness and now some stuff on the Tie Bomber, as well as one little thing on the Lamba. Lets dig into this preview and see what we can make of it. So, […]
Read MoreAnd just when I thought we could cool down and relax Fantasy Flight goes ahead and does something silly at Gencon! Big ships…very big ships!Time to take a breather and start squeeing! Done? Ok, SPECULATION TIMES! Sadly I couldn’t be attending Gencon right now, so this is all I’ve seen from the interwebs. So if […]
Read MoreSo, here we are again with Kaiju Spaceworks and another interesting list with claims of fame. Today we’ll be looking at the “Dinner Squadron”. I learned this list from hootorama from Reddit. Four Y-wing ships shall be this lists claim to fame, consisting of just Gold Squadron Pilots, each with Ion Cannons and R2 Astromechs […]
Read MoreOh boy oh boy, Fantasy Flight is showing us a bit more of the upcoming expansions. This time a little bit of the B-Wing and a few cards belonging to the new Upgrade, System Upgrades. Lets take a look and go through them with fine comb to pick apart them and make some kinda horrible […]
Read MoreWho’s up for another type of angry rant on the internet?!Oh yea, this time we’re talking about something I feel pretty strong about in my ways of hating it, and that is the Ship Upgrade Stealth Device. For 3 points you can upgrade any ships agility by one, but once hit you lose it. Sounds […]
Read MoreWith Fantasy Flight giving us a preview of the upcoming ships from Wave 3, lets take a look now at the HWK-290, aka the Moldy Crow. First up we have Jan Ors, a skill 8 for 25 points. For a 4th of your army you can have an extra attack by stressing this guy. Honestly, […]
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