The Edge – Gameplay Preview

By Awaken Realms | February 3rd, 2015 | Categories: Awaken Realms, Tabletop Gaming Products, The Edge


Hi, we’ve shared some model renders of our Angel of Death miniature, but a wargame is not only models, it’s the rules as well.

Today we want to share with you some more detailed insight into the basic mechanics of The Edge. We’re still testing and developing the ruleset, with our goal to deliver to you the balanced and fun to play set of rules. With that said, keep in mind that some details may yet be altered, but the “backbone” of the mechanics is monolithic and described for you below. 😉

Overall Look

We want to take our best experience form board games, miniature wargaming and TCG card games. Strategy will be really important factor and taking various approaches will be possible thanks to the usage of crystals mechanics. Thanks to introducing special spells cards we want to give players tools for creating “turn the tide” moments in the game flow. One of the most important assumption we made before sitting to creating rules is that they should be reflecting story as much as possible and help immerse players into universe of The Edge.

Our ambition is creating mechanic background to our game following the rule “easy to learn, hard to master”. We will be trying to put overall game rules very short and intuitive – all the complexity will be brought by the spells you will be able to cast as well as units special active and passive abilities.

Cards and special abilities

Each player will start with the certain set of special spells cards that he will choose as a “deck” and that will be able to globally influence the battlefield. Their effect will be various and each of the faction will have different style of spells. In addition to that almost every unit will have special ability (or more than one) – active or passive. Thanks to that each fight will be actively participated by the players with lots of various moves they can do, rather than merely statistic table clash with dice rolls.

Cards design


In our mechanics as well as in the universe we want to put very strong emphasis on the crystals – ultimate source of power that each faction desire for their own reasons. We have designed special crystal tokens to represent them in our game.

Each player will start with few crystal tokens and it will serve him as a mana pool refreshing after every turn. The more crystals you have – the more powerful spells and abilities you will be able to cast. One of the core mechanics will be gathering crystals on the battlefield – than each faction will have their own additional way of earning the crystals.

Crystal Tokens

Controlled Randomness

We want to create a system where biggest part of randomness (for example in fights) will be under some kind of influence of the player. Rather than throwing bunch of dice we want to implement a deck of cards with numbers representing the results. In addition to that each player will have his own deck – therefore throughout the whole game, both players will have same results.

As stated before, our rules are in the stage of active development and testing, therefore things can change a little – but we want to keep the main assumptions and bring you very balanced set of rules that will give you great amount of pleasure, lots of awesome moments to remember and full immersion into the world of The Edge.

Follow our project and Join into The Edge! 

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